
16th Wind- & Kitesurfing regatta NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia held its first races in Pirita

The first races of the International wind- and kitesurfing regatta NeilPryde Baltic Cup were held on Friday in Pirita, Tallinn. This is the 4th Act of the European Cup 2014, the 2nd Act of NeilPryde Baltic Cup for Formula windsurfing, and, last but not least, one stage of the Estonian Yachting Union’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup. For three days the event will bring together 87 athletes from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

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Danish Dynamite in the Racing on Sylt

Just as in the days before the wind blew everybody away and offered perfect conditions for windsurfing. This enabled us to race four Formula Racings with constantly wind force four to five.

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