
14:20 AP over A!!! End of the competition... The closing ceremony at 15:30...
13:30 Wind suddenly disapeared so the Men fleet have no chance to start the last race... Men fleet is now on stand by.. The last possible start 15:00. All others fllets have copmleted all races. We have some protests for Youth fleet but Junior and Girls fleets final results are now valid...
12:30 POL-192 or POL-168 (both at the same time at the finish line),POL-220,FRA-421,FRA-539,NED-666,POL_180,POL-299...
12:12 Youths just raceing the last race !!!!
12:00Junior fleet finish of the last race: NED-82,PL-739,GER-220,POL-997,POL-232..
Girls: POL-1381,FIN-441,POL-215...
11:26 Start of the Junior fleet...
11:20 Men fleet finish: GER-69,GER-35,GER-40,GER-94,GER-66,GER-63...
11:06 Men fleet started...
10:56 Wind speed 10-12 knotes...
10:55 Youth fleet finish: NED-666,GER-122,POL-320,POL-168,POL-157,POL-220,FRA-539... Men fleet will start soon...
10:46 First round: NED-666,FRA-539,POL-320,GER-122,POL-168...
10:36 Youth fleet started....
10:30Red flag is up... 6 minutes for the start of the Youth fleet...
10:10 Z flag for the race 14 for the Youth fleet is UP!!!!! Start in about 26 minutes...
9:10Good morning from rainy Dranske. At the moment the wind is to light for racing. Skippers meeting at 9:30 and first possible start at 10:30...

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Course of the day...

17:00 End for today... Tomorrow last one race for Junior and Women and two races for Youth and Men fleets. All this races will decided of the position on the podium!!!
16:20 The last "round" of the races is now runing. Sorry I have no chance to follow the races... Please check the results...
15:00 Youth fleet race#12 finish: DEN-666,FRA-539,POL-168,FRA-421,GER-122,POL-220,GBR-541,POL-320..
14:43 Youth race#12 upwind mark: NED-666,FRA-421,POL_220...
13:30Men and Junior/Women fleet just racing... Next we will have break... The course will be changed and the next race for Youth fleet at 12:30...
13:15 Youth fleet finish race#11: NED-666,FRA-539,FRA-421,GER-122,POL-168,POL-220...
12:45 The Youth fleet is just racing the race#11...
12:25 Next start for the youth fleet in 15 minutes.
12:20 Junior finish: NED-82,GER-220,POL-239,POL-739,,POL-238,POL-997,POL-232
Women finish: POL-1381, POL-193, FIN-441...
11:50 Men fleet finish: GER-16,GER-63,POL-40,GER-189, EST-202,GER-100...
11:36Start of the men fleet..
11:17 Youth race#10 finish: FRA-421,FRA-539, POL-168, POL-220,GER-122,POL-192,POL-320...
11:06 Start of the race#10 for the Youth fleet...
10:40 Z flag for the youth fleet is up!!! Wind 8 to 12 knots...
9:00Good morning from Dranske... It is not so sunny day as previous days and the wind is lighter then predicted by the wether forcasts...Skippers meeting at 10:00 and the first possible start at 11:00....

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16:03 Wind dropped again... AP over A - no more races today... Please return for the results after protests...
15:55 Wind returned again!!! Youth fleet is racing the race#10. BFD: POL-34,POL-157,NED-666,BEL-5...
15:10 Wind dropped below the limit... Youth race was stopped...Now we are on stand by...
14:55 The junior fleet has completed next race..Sorry I am just introducing the scores from the previous races so it was now on line reports...
14:10 Men fleet race the race#9...
13:40 Youth finish: POL-168,NED-666,POL_299,GER-122,POL-220,FRA-539,POL-180,FRA-421,POL-157...
13:28 Youth first lap: POL-168,NED-666,POL-299,POL-220,GER-122...
13:20 Youth fleet just started...
13:15 Youth fleet waiting on the water for the start to race#9...
13:10 Junior/Women fleet finish: POL-1381, POL-238,BUL-121(BFD),FIN-441,POL-239,POL-257,POL-215...
12:55 Junior first start: BFD GER-496,GER-220,EST-445,NED-82,POL-739,POL-997,POL-232,BUL-121
Second start was OK. ...
12:40 Wind dropped... We have now 6 to 8 knots at the racing area...
12:36 General recall and some BFDs....
12:35 Junior/Women start in 1 minute...
12:20 Men race#8 finish: GER-16,GER-63, ger-69, GER-189,EST-202...
12:10 Men race#8 first lap: GER-16,GER-63,GER-189,GER-69,GER-35,GER-66...
11:55 Youth race#8 finish: NED-666,FRA-421,POL-220,FRA-539,POL-320,POL-180,POL-192,GER-122,POL-168...
11:45 First lap: FRA-421,POL-168,POL-220,POL-180,NED-666...
11:36 Perfect start of the Youth fleet!!! The course is set very close to the beach!!!!
11:10 Z flag for the Youth fleet race #8 is UP!!! Start in about 26 minutes...Wind 10 knots SSW
9:30Another sunny morning in Dranske. At the moment wind is below the limit but according to the forecast we should have 11-17 knots later today. Skippers meeting at 10:00, first possible start 11:00... Stay tuned...

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Sorry we did not receive the daily report...
Please check the results after protests hearings...

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16:50 End for today... Please return for the results...
16:45 Men fleet race#7 finish: GER-16,POL-40,GER-63,RUS-10,GER-29..
15:50Youth fleet race#7 finish: NED-666,FRA-539,POL-168,FRA-421,ITA-68,POL-220
15:43 Z-flag for the last race of the men fleet. Youth fleet first round: NED-666,FRA-421,FRA-539...
15:36 Youths started for the last today... Start OK!
15:35 Wind 12-14 knots!!! Youth fleet will start in a minute...
15:31 Junior finish:NED-82, POL-739(BFD),GER-180, First girl: POL-1381...
15:12 Junior first upwind: POL-739(BFD),NED-82,GER-180...
15:06 Junior start: BFD POL-739,POL-239...
14:55 Men fleet finish: GER-16,GER-189,GER-63,EST-202,RUS-10...
14:48 Men fleet first lap: GER-16,huge lead GER-189,GER-63,EST-202...
14:40 Z-flag for the Junior/Women fleet. It will be the last Junior fleet race today. Other fleets will go for one more race...
14:36 Start for the men fleet...
14:20 Youth fleet race#6 finish: POL-320,NED-666,FRA-539,FRA-421,
14:12 Youth fleet race#6 first lap: POL-320, FRA-539, NED-666...
14:10 Junior fleet race#5 finish: NED-82, POL-739, GER-180...
13:55 Our German friend with the radio disapeared from the office so we have no news from the water...
13:40 Junior fleet just racing...
13:22 Men fleet race#5 finish: GER-16,GER-63,GER-189... Junior fleet will star in few seconds...
12:55 Youth finish: FRA-421,POL-320,FRA-539,NED-666,GER-122...
12:48 Youth second upwind: FRA-539,FRA-421,GBR-451,POL-220,GER-122,
12:35 Youth first upwind: GBR-541,NED-666,FRA-421,FRA-539,POL-220...very close...
12:25 Junior race#4 finish: NED-82,POL-739,GER-180... Youth fleet is called for the race#5...
12:15 Junior first round: POL-232(?),NED-82,GER-180... 11-15 knots...Sun and blue sky...
12:03 Junior/Women fleet now in a sequence for the race#4...
12:00 Youth after 4 races (one discard): 1. FRA-539, FRA-421,GER-122,POL-220,NOR-169...Check the results...
11:55 Men fleet finish: GER-16,EST-202,GER-63,GER-94,EST-2,GER-35,GER-189..
11:43 Men fleet first lap: GER-16,EST-202,GER-63,GER-94,GER-189...
11:36 Men fleet just started!!!
11:30 Sequence for the race#4 Men fleet just started...
11:25 Youth fleet race#4 finish: FRA-421, FRA-539,NED-666,POL-320,GER-122...
11:20 Z flag for the Men fleet is up! Youth fleet first round FRA-421, FRA-539,NED-666, POL-320,GER-122...
10:45 Z flag for the Youth fleet. The sequence will start at 11:00... Offshore wind - 18-20 knots...
9:00 Good morning from Dranske. Another sunny and WINDY day here in Rugen Island. Wind changed direction to NW and at the moment we have more than 20 knots. The skippers meeting at 9:30 and first possible start 10:30. Stay tuned...

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Course of the day...

18:00 NED-82 Dorian won the third race in Junior fleet!!! AP over A. No more races today. Please return for the results...
17:35 Junior fleet just started for the last race of today...BFD POL-739...
17:15 Men fleet just racing. GER-94 is leading now...
16:50 Youth fleet race#3 finish: 1. FRA-539 Florent Renard, 2. NED-666 Markus Bouman, 3. FRA-421 Julien Quintel...
16:25 Youth fleet will start in about 10 minutes... Wind dropped to about 15-18 knots at the starting line...
15:59 Youth fleet Z flag for the third race in 10 minutes...
15:55 Junior fleet race#2 finish: 1.NED-82 Dorian, POL-739 Patryk Hronowski, POL-232 Maciej Rutkowski...
15:32 Junior & Women fleet will start in 6 minutes...
15:25Men fleet race #2 finish: GER-16,GER-94,EST-202...
15:20 Men fleet race #2 first lap: GER-16,GER-94,EST-202...
15:00 6 minutes to the start of the Men-Master fleet...
14:55 FRA-539 Renard Florent won the second race of the Youth fleet...
14:45 Youth fleet first lap: FRA-539, NOR-169, GER-122...
14:40 Youth fleet just started... Wind is still above 20 knots...
14:15 Z flag for the Youth fleet is up... Start of the second race in about 20 minutes. The wind is still strong 20 - 25 knots...
13:30 Please check the results of the first race... As you will see the condition was to rougth for some competitors...
12:30 Junior fleet first race: 1.NED-82 Dorian van Rijsselberge, 2.POL-232 Maciej Rutkowski ... first girl POL-215 Jenifer Kesik. Now we have a break. Next possible start at 14:00....We are waiting for the results...
12:15 Wind 22 to 28 knots... Junior & Women fleet is racing...
12:06 Correction of the finish results Men fleet: 1. GER-35, 2. GER-189, GER-94 ...
12:05 Junior and Women fleet is now in a sequence...
11:57 Wind is picking up till about 30 knots... We do not know if Junior and Women fleet will be send for the race...
11:55 Men first race finish: 1. GER-94 Berhends, 2. GER-189 Standhardt, 3. GER-35 Sausen ...
11:30 Men fleet just started... 28 knots on the water!!! For lot of competitors it is too strong wind...They are rather fighting for life not racing...
11:30 Wind speed is about 25 knots. Lot of youth competitors had a big problem to race...
11:25 Men fleet (seniors and masters) will start in a few minutes...
11:20 Youth fleet first race: 1. FRA-539 Renard Florent, 2. POL-220 Leszek Rutkowski, 3. GER-122 Vincent Langer...
11:10 Youth fleet is racing already. We have no radio connection with the race crew on the water... So you have to wait for the results of the race when they reach our office...
11:05 3 minutes for the start of the Youth fleet....

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Good morning from Dranske. It is sunny and windy (14 to 19 knots). Some German racers just coming for the late registration. The skippers meeting at 10:00 and the first possible start at 11:00. Stay tuned for news from the todays action...

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84 competitors registered for the event! 21 juniors, 33 youths, 12 women (9 girls) and 18 men. Some more men competitors from Germany will register tomorrow morning. Skippers meeting at 10 am. First possible start at 11 am.

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