LISTE ALPHABETIQUE DES INSCRITS 3 groupes de classements Ident Grp Concurrents Sx Nais Club / Pays FRA 181 MEN M 1978 FRA 329 MEN M 1963 FRA 192 MEN M 1972 AUS 0 MEN M EST 10 MEN M NED 857 MEN M POL 168 MEN M GER 215 WOM F ITA 415 MEN FRA 81 MEN M 1966 FRA 39 MEN M 1967 FRA 5080 MEN M 1982 USA 64 MEN M NED 0 MEN M FRA 237 WOM F 1982 FRA 91 MEN M 1984 ISV 1 MEN M NED 666 MEN M POL 10 MEN M ESP 36 MEN M USA 34 MEN M BRA 663 MEN M FRA 10 MEN M ARG 3 MEN M ITA 1 MEN M ISR 1 MEN M FRA 51 MEN M 1974 NB 115 MEN FRA 80 MEN M 1967 BEL 146 MEN M ISV 11 MEN M NED 315 MEN M SVK 171 MEN M POL 180 MEN M SWE 64 MEN M EST 202 MEN M ITA 31 WOM F GBR 451 MEN M FRA 730 MEN M 1982 GER 4004 MEN M AUT 88 WOM F NED 123 MEN M FRA 53 MEN M 1973 POL 86 MEN M FRA 6 WOM F 1984 FRA 5 MEN M 1982 POL 124 MEN M FRA 524 MEN M 1981 GBR 53 MEN M FRA 115 WOM F 1975 FRA 15 MEN M 1981 GBR 93 WOM F EST 2 MEN M EST 107 MEN M NED 34 MEN M SLO 1 MEN M NED 166 WOM F NED 105 MEN M GRE 23 MEN M NED 72 MEN FRA 316 WOM F 1982 FRA 105 MEN M 1981 FRA 251 MEN M 1962 FRA 55 MEN M 1979 NED 334 MEN M NED 335 WOM F NZL 67 MEN M POL 214 WOM F ESP 71 MEN M POR 5 MEN M ITA 99 MEN M FRA 112 MEN M 1976 ITA 456 YOU M 1985 POL 127 MEN M POL 25 MEN M FRA 71 MEN M 1979 FRA 73 MEN M 1981 FRA 30 MEN M 1983 LAT 2 MEN M FRA 17 MEN M 1972 ESP 24 MEN M FRA 8523 MEN M 1985 POL 16 MEN M LAT 23 MEN M FRA 421 MEN M 1986 FRA 69 MEN M 1981 FRA 400 MEN M 1984 FRA 539 MEN M 1985 FRA 83 MEN M 1969 POR 20 MEN M FRA 717 MEN M 1984 DEN 173 MEN M FRA 688 MEN M 1961 NED 1111 MEN M GBR 392 MEN ESP 19 YOU M 1991 BRA 999 MEN M LAT 68 MEN M NED 112 MEN M BEL 12 MEN M BRA 307 MEN M POL 1 WOM F GRE 100 MEN M NB 35 MEN CZE 711 MEN M LAT 168 MEN M NED 57 MEN M NED 389 MEN M NED 338 MEN M NED 97 MEN M NED 2 MEN M NED 820 YOU M 1985 BEL 91 MEN M DEN 111 MEN M FRA 41 MEN M 1976 NZL 47 MEN GBR 83 MEN M BUL 21 YOU M 1985 FRA 1 MEN M 1981
A la date du Time 15.51, Sunday , May 4 2003
119 Inscrits
- MEN : Formula Men
- WOM : Formula Women
- YOU : Formula Youth
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ABGRALL Nicolas France ABRAHAM Armand France ALBEAU Antoine France ALLEN Steve Australia ARBO Arrak Estonia BAKKER Remco The Netherlands BALDYGA Robert Poland BECKER Christine Germany BEGALLI Marco Italy BELBEOC'H Patrice France BELBEOC'H Thierry France BERNARD Olivier France BESSE Seth United States Of America BIJL Pieter The Netherlands BONET Virginie France BORDES Cedric France BOULON Devon Us Virgin Islands BOUMAN Markus The Netherlands BRZOZOWSKI Wojtek Poland BUCHAU Alex Spain BUZIANIS Micah United States Of America CHAPCHAP Alberto Brazil CHAPRON FREDERIC France COSTA HUEVAL Gonzalo Argentina CUCCHI Andre Italy DAGAN Arnon Israel DALIBOT Yann France DAMMERS Christiaan Netherlands Antilles DANIEL Jean Baptiste France DE BRYUNE Jean Marc Belgium DIAZ Jimmy Us Virgin Islands DIJKSTRA Wilko The Netherlands DIVINEC Branislav Slovak Republic DUDZINSKI Adam Poland EKSTEDT Johan Sweden ERVIN Martin Estonia FAUSTER Verena Italy FERLET Xavier Great Britain FLEURY Yoann France FRINGS Marcel Germany GERMANY Margit Austria GLASZ Rene The Netherlands GODET Pierre France GRYNIS Alexander Poland HEBERT SARAH France HELENE Julian France HLAVATY Pawel Poland HUET Antoine France JACKSON Alan Great Britain JAMBERT Geraldine France JAUFFROY Erwann France JOHNSTON Christine Great Britain KAASIK Erno Estonia KAVER Andres Estonia KEET Adri The Netherlands KOEJAN Andrej Slovenia KOOPMAN Cindy The Netherlands KRAAIJENZANK Marco The Netherlands KRISTALLIS Richard Greece LANDMAN Ramses The Netherlands LE BIHAN Jenny France LE METAYER Aurelien France LEBECQ Jerome France LEGALLOIS LOIC France LITTEL Dennis The Netherlands LITTEL Wendy The Netherlands MACINNES David New Zealand MAJKOWSKA Anita Poland MARTINEZ DEL CERRO DELGADO Ferando Spain MARTINHO Miguel Nuno Portugal MASSERINI Massimo Italy MAUFFRET Bieuzy France MENEGATTI Alberto Italy MIARCZYNSKI Jacek Poland MOKRZYCKI Hubert Poland MOUSSILMANI Cyril France MOUSSILMANI Sylvain France NAGY Tom France OZOLINS Klavs Latvia PELLEAU Gerald France PINANA SANSALVADOR Jose Spain PIQUET Ludovic France POLANOWSKI Michael Poland PREISS Janis Latvia QUENTEL Julien France QUEOURON Gerald France QUESTEL Antoine France RENARD Florent France RENARD Yannick France RIBEIRO Jose Portugal RIFFLET Yann France ROGILD Brian Denmark ROUSSE Christophe France RUITER Ron The Netherlands RUSSELL Keith Great Britain SCHLIEMANN Oliver Tom Spain SCHURMANN Wilhelm Brazil SMILTENIEKS Maris Latvia SNOUCK HURGRONJE Christiaan The Netherlands SONCK Koen Belgium STAROSTA Gabriel Brazil STASZEWSKA Dorota Poland THEOCHARIS Zois Greece THIELMAN Juvannie Netherlands Antilles TOTH Martin Czech Republic TUTANS Krisjanis Latvia VAN DER STEEN Ben The Netherlands VAN DER ULIS Sander The Netherlands VAN GAALEN Leendert The Netherlands VAN KOOLWIJK Roy The Netherlands VAN RIJSSELBERGHE Adriaan The Netherlands VAN RIJSSELBERGHE Dorian The Netherlands VERLAECKT Wolfgang Belgium VESTERSTROM Jesper Denmark WATTEZ Pierrick France WIGHT Aaron New Zealand WILLIAMS Ross Great Britain YOVTCHEV Peter Bulgaria ZOONEKYND Edwy France