Kashy Festival - warm up day....
The warm up day saw strong winds from the North East from Dawn till dusk. Sailors were hesitant to get on their formula gear choosing to start on wave and slalom kits. Finally a quorum made the decision to go including Alan B, Christophe W, Ron K and Dave K.
Day 5 - live report
18:55 | Prize Giving dinner at 20.00 - a nice meal, some light refreshment (?!) , awards ceremony and a live band - a great finale from superb hosts.
Day 4 - live report
15:32 | The organisers are providing a BBQ at 1600 and the chance to do some more sight seeing before a busy last day
Day 3 summary
Another grey day dawned in Praia da Vitoria, on Terceira island in the Azores - unusual conditions for this time of year, but is that not the same everywhere?
Day two - live report
20:23 | More photos and full results to follow soon. Skippers meeting tomorrow at 11.00; first warning signal at 12.00
Live report
20:13 | Registration got underway today at the Azores European Cup. This is the first visit to the Azores for the international formula class... maybe for any international windsurfing class? Racing will start tomorrow afternoon - giving the chance for late registrations in the morning. Meantime, enjoy the intro video and photos - full coverage will commence from tomorrow.
Valentin wins first round of 2013 European Cup ...
Reports at aloha-attitude.fr/events/ and internationalwindsurfing.com
Final Results
Photo Gallery - aloha-attitude.fr/events/photos
Eurocup Formula, planing by 3:00 pm....
After a briefing with Anthony Rigaut, the head of the race committee, at 1:30 pm, the wind increases progressively until 3:00 pm, when the administration announces readings of 12 to 18 knots and decides to send the participants on the water. After three rounds on the day before, followed by small party for the participants and a concert, the Riders seem ready to start a 4-round day.
Pannonia Surfing Days to host FW Youth & Master Worlds
Pannonia Sailing Days are glad to host the World Championships for Formula Windsurfing Masters and Youth from 26th to 31st August.