
Euro-Cup Jurata Poland
Registration day
In Jurata is sunny and windy! First competitors already practicing on the race area
Registration starts at 17:00
First possible race tomorrow at 11:00
Info and reports on the official event website:

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Wojtek Brzozwski and Dorota Staszewska won the Euro-Cup in Międzyzdroje. There was nine races taken in last two days of competition, great fight between Steve Allen AUS-0, Micah Buzianis US-34 and Wojtek Brzozwski.

Next Euro Cup edition in Jurata, Poland in next week. Be there!

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Great condition on Euro-Cup in Międzyzdroje. Allready three races today and more is planed. The wind is much stronger than yesterday 20 konts from easy (side shore). All hot stuff on

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Today on Euro Cup in Międzyzdroje in Poland there was four races dominated by Steve Allen AUS-0. The weather forecast for tommorow are really great so more races tommorow. All results, photos, news, etc. you will find on

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Euro-Cup Miedzyzdroje
After 4 races: Men: AUS-0 Steve Allen, DEN-173 Brian Rogild, ISR-1 Arnon Dagan
Women: POL-1 Dorota Staszewska, GBR-95 Lucy Horwood, F-4 Justine Gardahaut
All results and reports on

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Today in Euro CupMiędzyzdroje for two times the races were almost started, but in the last moment the judge committee canceled the races because of the wind which changes very quickly from 5 to 10 knots. There isn't enough wind to start the races. Judge committee decided to change course further in the sea, hoping that there are better conditions. All the hot news available on

Check out two movies made yesterday : Top5 | US64 interview.

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Today in Międzyzdroje there was no wind. Competitors jump only on bungy and have fun. The wind that we waited for propably'll came at night. Tommorow skippers metting is planed for 09:30 and first possible race at 10:00.

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All the big start already came to Międzyzdroje. There is about 89 competitors registred, 17 women and 72 men. On website you will find the hotest news and photos from the event.

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