
Steve Allen, Wojtek Brzozowski and Sam Ireland on top of the Euro Cup Ranking after 8 events.
...(top 50)

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70 men and 5 women from 17 countries pre-registered for the last Euro-Cup event - IFCA Worlds in Belgium (20-25.08.2002)
Only 8 men and 1 woman registered for freestyle!

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Euro-Cup Silvaplana
Phone call from Aleks Grynis (POL-86):
"I am on the third place overall! It was an error in the final results!
In the first race they count the wrong guy on the the 7th place !
Before prize giving the results were revised and I got the trophy for the third place!"

...revised men results

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Euro Cup Silvaplana

Christine Johnston won Euro Cup Silvaplana. Lucy - second, Marta Hlavaty - third! Final results in read more

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Euro Cup Silvaplana
Day four

Euro Cup Silvaplana
Day four

The winners are:
1. GBR-93 Christine Johnston
2. GBR-95 Lucy Horwood
3. POL-994 Marta Hlavaty
1. GBR-5 Jamie Lever
2. AUS-0 Steve Allen
(3. VI-11 Jimmy Diaz - error in the final results!)
3. POL-86 Aleks Grynis

Final Results:
...women (revised!!!)

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