
IFCA Worlds '03 - Hyeres - Day two
We had 4 course races today in winds from 9-12 knots on flat water. Arnon is leading before Antoine, Kevin and Wojtek...
Results after 4 races:

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IFCA WORLDS - Hyeres - Day two
... a few photos from yesterday
Here's a quick update after the first day of races on the IFCA world Championships here in Hyeres-France. In gusty but windy offshore conditions up till 35 knots it was Kevin Pritchard (US-3) who managed to win both slalom races held yesterday afternoon in a close battle with Frenchmen Antoine Albeau's (F-192). Wojtek Brzozowski (POL-10) secured his third place in both races... Today the wind is not really the way it was yesterday so it looks like were on a hold for the moment. I'll keep everybody informed and try to send some pics and video's asap
Sven Fransen

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IFCA Worlds - Hyeres - Day one...
19:50 - After two slalom series: 1. Kevin, 2. Antoine, 3.Wojtek ...
11:32 - Now ,because of rain wind droped to 10 knots... The final registration is going on now... Maybe formula racing after 12:00 stay tuned...
10:00 Wind 40 knots sometimes till 55! Temperature 11 C and rain... Forecast for tomorrow 15 knots...

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IFCA Worlds Hyeres - Registration day..
35 to 50 knots in Hyeres at the moment!!!!
Registration starts at 14:00. Please return tomorrow for more news from the event site...

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Dear all,
Our little Eva was born at 5:50pm European time on the 10-10-2003 and was 54cm long and 3.64kg and the rest you can see in the picture.
Best Regards
Steve, Agata and Eva Allen

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If you have a time and good internet connection you can download 5 min. wave movie from Sylt '03 - waveSylt.avi (32.7 MB).
To watch it you will need fresh DivX codec from Have fun.

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