
Calema Midwinter - Final Day

Calema Midwinter - Day three
check the Final official results (doc file 500kB)
Read Phil's final report...
. and look... videos by
... Andrea
... Patrice
and.. ...Wojtek once more but for his Polish friends...
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00:10 First four: Steve, Wojtek,Ross,Kevin..
We are waiting for the official results...
SMS from Florida
22:30 No more races. End of the event.
Race#7: Kevin, Wojtek, Steve, Jamie
Race#8: Kevin, Steve,Jamie,Gonzalo,Wojtek
Wind 7 to 12 knots, very shifty...

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Calema Midwinters - day one

Calema Midwinters - day one
Please read Phil's report from the first day of the event...
and check the results (doc file) after 4 races.

Short video reports from the event site (mpg files approx. 2 Mb each):
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...TinhoDornellas welcome
... 6 minutes to the start
...Start part two
and ...Tinho once again...

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Calema Midwinters - day one
Provisional results of the first four races:
Race#1: Gonzalo,Kevin,Pieter,Ross,Seth
Race#2: Ross, Wojtek,Kevin, Steve,Seth
Race#3: Wojtek,Steve,?,ITA-5,Kevin
Race#4: Steve,Wojtek,Andrea Cucchi
SMS from Florida - Race#2. Lots of holes in the wind. Wojtek was leading all the way. Last down Ross got a gust and Wojtek's pumping didn't help. Finish - Ross, Wojtek, Kevin!

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Midwinters 2004

Phil McGain reports:
The day before registration
Sailors already arriving in Florida for the annual Midwinters festival organized by Tinho Dornellas and his wife Susie.
Wojtek arrived a few days ago, Jaime lever and Devon Boulon were hard at it most of the day today. Gonzalo was fast as usual in the flat water. Ross Williams showed his end of 2003 form while cruising around on the course today.
Pritchard, Pritchard and McGain were busy running there 3 day clinic.
Forecast for the next few days look really good, Friday looking the best.
...stay tuned for more reports.

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Windsurfing Euro-Cup sanctioned by IFWC and IFCA

PRESS RELEASE - The International Funboard Class Association (IFCA), the International Formula Windsurfing Class (IFWC) and the Choppy Water Event Management GmbH are pleased to announce that a Sanctioning Contract has been signed which selects the Windsurfing Euro-Cup as exclusive continental series for the disciplines Racing (Formula Windsurfing) and Slalom (IFCA).

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16th Sailing Week of Schoelcher - No walid results but ... good Carnival Party ...
The 24th, no more wind, up 7 or 8 knots max so only the Mistral OD done the race.
We need 4 races to has the event valid, so with only 3 races (first time in the history of the Schoelcher event) the event can not be valid.
The results after 3 races :

1. Gérald PELLEAU Star-Board 158/Pryde
2. Michael POLANOWSKI Star-Board 158/Pryde
3. Brain ROGILD Star-Board 158/Pryde
4. Patrick MARTIAL Star-Board 158/Pryde
5. Julien ANGEVIN Mistral F2004/Pryde

So the 4th race was during the night for the Carnival see photos.

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16th Sailing Week of Schoelcher - Day three - Only one race...
Yesterday the wind was very light and turn. 6 to 11 knots.
The race committee tries to do 2 races in this condition but only one was valid.
First race :
The fight in front was between Brian who used the 10.7, Patrice 12m and Patrick with his 11.7. At the end Brian was leading the course but forget to see the modification for the short course so he don't go to the mark one before the finish line, the same for Patrice. Brian repairs his fault but Patrick take his chance and win this race.
Second race :
Patrick and Brian was leading again, very good congratulation of our master 43 years old who can stay near Brian with the good Wojtek suggestion. The race was canceled after one lap.
After 3 races, Gérald Pelleau is in first position.
Some photos

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16th Sailing Week of Schoelcher - Day two - No wind today...
No wind today finaly.
We tried to do a race in less then 10 knots. The race was cancelled after one lap. Patrice (12m) and Brian (10.7m) were far away in front for the first place following by Julien Angevin. Brian show us his very good speed with only a 10.7. We hope that the wind will be stronger tomorow.
...Some photos:...No wind today...

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