

Italian Formula Windsurfing Class welcomes all foreign competitors to Italian Formula Windsurfing Open National Championships that will be run in Chiessi, a wonderful and tiny village in Elba Island, the pearl of Tuscania Archipelago, from Tuesday June 1st to Saturday June 5th.

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Garda Lake, Europeans '04 coverage is available here also you can find it by clicking on Reports and Results in menu. We are still working over some the site so some new improvements should come out soon.

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The final day in Torbole :
19:20 - Most of the competitors have left the place already so we doing the same. Hear you soon.
15:30 - No more racing today and ever on this competition.
15:11 - women first race: POL-1, GBR-95, FRA-316, SUI-14,FRA-115...
14:40 - AP over A for gold. End of the Championship for gold fleet! Wojtek is the winner.
13:51 - gold second race finish: FRA-192, AUS-0, NED-0, AUS-7, POL-10, POL-16
13:27 - gold first race finish: FRA-192,AUS-0,AUS-7,NED-0,ISV-1,POL-16,DEN-111. Wojtek did not finish the race..
13:22 - gold fleet is ready for the next start. Women and silver fleet are also send for their next races..
13:07 - sorry, the gold fleet is racing on the inner loop far from our office, so we can not recognise the numbers...
13:02 - restart OK. The gold fleet is now racing...
12:55 - first start of the gold fleet and ... the general recall...Restart in a few minutes...
12:15 - Z flag up for golden again.
11:45 - Race committee decided to postpone races for another hour because in the race area are taking place other two different events so it might be confusing for the competitors to race there.
11:40 - AP up again, postpone.
11:30 - Z flag up for golden.
11:25 - We're still waiting for the wind. They've decided to do two two races for all of fleets.
10:35 - Day like every day in Torbole - cloudy sky and no wind at the moment, skippers meeting has just started. For today they want to make one more race for golden fleet and two more races for women and silver fleet to get another discard.

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Fourth day of racing in Torbole :
18:40 - No more racing today
17:18 - Golden fleet finish: Ateve, Arnon, Wojtek...
16:47 - 5 minutes for another start of golden fleet.
16:27 - Finish golden: Devon, Steve,Wojtek...
16:15 - First lap of golden : Devon and then Wojtek
15:55 - Golden are out for another two races
15:30 - Women first race results : POL-1, FRA-316, AUS-911, GBR-95, SUI-14
13:34 - silver and women fleets are in the sequence for the next race we cannot give you any more details...
14:51 - Gold fleet finsh: Wojtek,Antoine,Pieter,Devon....
14:45 - close to up-wind mark: Wojtek, Antoine, Pieter...
14:43 - silver fleet are in sequence... and after we will have start for the women fleet.
14:41 - first loop: we can only recognise Wojtek on the lead close to him other 5 Neil Pryde riders...
14:30 - re-start of the Gold race #8...
14:25 - Gold fleet in the sequence now...
14:13 - Gold fleet second race just started... but general recall..
13:52 - Go ld fleet finish - AUS-0,POL-10,ISV-1,GBR-83,ISR-1...
13:42 - first loop AUS-0, POL-10,??,ISV-1...
13:33 - Gold fleet race one (7th overall) start OK!!!
13:17 - general recall in the first start!!!!
12:41 - Mather nature swich on the wentilator and now we have more than 14 knots and still picking up! Z flag for the gold fleet is up. The first final race will start in 35 minutes...
12:40 - The course is being set and AP down.
12:30 - The wind turning to the right direction and soon the races should start.
10:15 - Hello from semi sunny semi cloudy Garda Lake. A little bit of statistics - the golden fleet will count 74 competitors including 6 youth and 14 masters. At the moment we're waiting for the wind which will come as usual between 12 and 13.

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Day three in Torbole :
17:47 - No more racing today.
16:13 - Very unofficial results of a men fleet before the protests : POL-10 (4.8), ISV-1 (7.1), FRA-192 (9,4), ITA-1 (12), ISR-1 (14,7), NED-0 (16,4), AUS-0 (19,0), GBR-83 (20,0), US-34 (25,0), GBR-5 (27,0).
15:30 - Blue race#2 finish : ISV-1, ARG-3, POL-16, FRA-192, GBR-52, AUS-0, POL-11
15:24 - Yellow race#2 finish : POL-10, ITA-1, GBR-83, US-34
14:42 - Yellow first loop: Wojtek, Andrea(very close),Phil, Ross,Jamie...
14:33 - Z flag for the women fleet...35 minutes to the start...
14:32 - Yellow fleet started for the last elimination race....
14:25 - Blue finish(?) or last up-wind : NED-0,FRA-192,ISV-1, NED-???,AUS-0,ARG-3,DEN-111,POL-16
14:08 -Yellow finish: Wojtek, 1km gap, Arnon, Jamie, Andrea, Ross... Sorry but we can not see the blue fleet. To far from our office...
13:57 - Yellow fleet downwind mark: Wojtek, Jamie, Arnon, Ross...
13:54 - Wojtek first on the up-wind mark...
13:51 - Yellow fleet started first and the racers are now near the up-wind mark... Blue fleet will start in a seconds ...
13:40 - 5 min to the start of the first fleet...
13:20 - 16 to 18 knots. Good actions coming up.
13:11 - AP down and the blue and Yellow flag is up! First start in about 35 minutes. Ladies are waitibg on the beach till the men fleet will completed two races back to back...
12:50 - The wind is pickin up but still below the limit. Race crew just starting to set the course ... stay tuned, hope for more races today. We need more two races to finalse the elimination tour and start the final with two: Gold and Silver fleets...
10:16 - For the moment it's cloudy and as the locales says it won't be windy today but we'll see, we're waiting.

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