Calema Midwinters 2005
We had a great 1st day of racing here at the Calema Midwinters, as the wind filled in nicely out of the North. There are about 77 A Fleet racers with a total so far of 153 competitors with a couple more to possibly register for the weekend. We had a 11:30am first start with about 10-12knots of pretty consistent wind for the river here.
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Maui Sails……..our experience, your reward!
Maui Sails……..our experience, your reward! - please read the press release...
The Calema Midwinters 2005
The Calema Midwinters is coming up March 4-6th and we are getting lots of registrations...
Schoelcher Week in Martinique just finished.
A few words from Michael Polanowski POL-16 about the event in Martinique which has just finished.
Three new ranking events in the callendar:
North Sea Cup, Ostend, Belgium .May 14/15th, level 3
South American Championships. Brazil, Mid to end of June, level 1 (date and venue will confirmed soon)
Brazilian Grand Prix. Foreteleaza. Brazil, 29th November to 4th December, $30,000 prize fund, level 2
New level 3 event M.P.P.P./PSC International Regatta. 4th > 6th March 2005, hosted by Penang Swimming Club , Tanjung Bungah ,Malaysia - added to the FW Ranking calendar
For further details /entry , contact :