
Thursday we sailed 4 races with 10-15 kts
Friday we only could sail 1 race due the heavy wind. In the morning we raced with 20-25 kts and only a few compititors could finish. Later the day the wind increased and we had to cancel the races because of safety reasons.
Saterday the wind was again 10-15 kts and we could sail 4 races.

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Final day
Yellow finish: POR-5, FRA-421,FRA-192, POL-10, DEN-111,POL-25
Blue finish: AUS-0, GBR-83, POR-78, BRA-999, BUL-8, FRA-531...
We have a valid championship! Both fleet (blue and yellow) raced the third race. We have no results yet but probably Ross (GBR-83) is the winner!!!!!
The wind came at least and the racers are sent on the water!!!!
Hope that RC will manege to start the races before the dead line time at 16:00!!!
Still not enouhgt wind for racing... We are on stand-by. The last possible start at 16:00
The wind is gone!!! Racers are trying to reach the beach...It looks that we wil have no valid results for mens fleet. We need three races for valid championships results...
The RC try to set a new course... All fleets are on the water waiting for the start..
The races are abandoned!!! The wind is below the limit...
Yellow fleet is racing, blue should starts soon..
Good morning ... We have just the skeepers meeting... It is enought wind for racing..
The race for the new yellow group will start as soon as possible...
Check the new groups:

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Another three events added to the Ranking Calendar:
LEBA (POL)- 9>13 August Formula 'Grand Prix' and Euro Cup.
Level 2 -Factor 1.25 ; 20,000 euro pize money. .

SILVAPLANA(SUI) -16>20 August- Formula International and Euro Cup
Level 2- Factor 1.0 ; 10,000 euro prize money

LISBON(POR) - 22>26 August - Formula International and Euro Cup.
Level 2 - Factor 1.0 ; 15,000 prize money

The NoRs with the final confirmation will be published soon...

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Day 4

Day 4
To see highlights of the event each day visit - go to "highlits" and click on the day of your choice..

Wojtek (POL-10) and Jesper (DEN-111) leading after 2 races! Allison take a lead in women fleet but Sarah is on the first place for european champion title...
check the results...

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Day 3

Day 3
19:25 AP over A - no more racing today...
The schedule for tomorrow: Skippers meeting at 7 am first possible start 8 am, ...

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Day 2...

Day two:
AP over A ...another day without racing... maybe tomorrow..
Still no wind... we are on stand-by. So far please check "List of equipments" pdf file 115 kB.
Another sunny day in Portimao , although the day started a little "overcast".
Sailors are assembling for the 11.00 briefing - it is likely that we will be on hold until later in the afternoon; the forecast for the area is for light winds, but a local thermic effect can give us2/3 knots more of breeze than forecast !...

in the meantime here are some photos from yesterday

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