Day 8 - Fourth day of racing...
07:57 | No chance of wind -finished for the day.
07:55 | Nothing to report - no wind yet. It does not look good for today.
04:26 | We are waiting for the wind . The forecast is promising, but will certainly offer different conditions from yesterday. Cross onshore winds from the opposite direction with some swell-and 9>14 knots .!
Much discussion about the previous days races - as always there are some happy with their performance ; some not happy.
A summary of yesterdays AGM will follow shortly
Day 7 - Third day of racing...
11:09 | come back soon for full results 11:09 | […]
Day 6 - Second day of racing...
09:26 | No more racing today .We try again tomorrow.09:25 […]
Day 4 - final registration and practice race ...
12:35 | If you follow the action on the DVD […]
Day 3 - second day of registration...
15:41 | a great opening ceremony, with many colurful performances; […]
| Day 2- First day of registraton
11:31 | Day 2- First day of registraton for the […]