From overpowered to underpowered in less than a week.
Steve Bodner USA 4 report from Holland.
Steve Bodner USA 4 report from Holland.
Wilhelm still on the lead....
Check the revised ranking...
The first formula windsurfing Grand Prix to take place in the uk was won by Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (ARG3). Seven races were completed over the 5 days of the Whiteair Festival in predominantly light to medium offshore winds. All the sailors considered the event a great success and are looking forward to returning in 2008. Steve Allen (AUS0), the current world champion, claimed second place on a tie break from Jesper Vesterstrom (DEN111). In 4th place Alberto Menegatti (ITA456) from POL25. First master was Xavier Ferlet (GBR451) in 8th place overall. GBR youth sailors did not disgrace themselves in such a high quality fleet - Dan Simpson also finishing 1st youth and 12th overall.
Check out full results
In Tallinn, Estonia, Allison Shreeve has defended her world championship title for the third consecutive year.
The world champions of formula windsurfing in 2007 are:
1) U-17 – Maciej Rutkowski POL-23
2) U-20 – Robert Baldyga POL 18
3) Women – Allison Shreeve AUS-911
4) Masters – Anders Loeken NOR 12
15:24 | youth Race 12 - ESP16, FRA52, DEN150
racing finished for today - full results later
14:55 | First womn race 11- AUS911
First fejunior race 11- GER1001
14:49 | Race 12 youth has started - GBR32 ocs
14:46 | no more racing for masters and women - wehave time for race 12 for youth
14:24 | first finishers race 11 masters/open - GBR451, POL127, SWE13, EST2,... NOR12 was 3rd master
14:20 | leading sailors at mark 3 -SWE13 (open) SWE876, GBR451, EST2,...FIN66,
13:56 | masters 11th start -under a black flag since first start was a general recall.
Women and junior are called out for their lastrace of the day and the series
13:45 | first fnishers race 11 youth - FRA41;POL192,POL23,ESP16
youth fleet now has a 3rd discard -
13:42 | youth race 11 - leading sailors at mark 1: FRA52; ESP16; POL739; GBR32
POL18 -retired from race
13:04 | First finishers race 10 women and junior - AUS911, GER1001 (J), POL19; ARM1;
secondand third junior - FRA 804, FRA59
12:51 | first finishers - SWE13 (open); EST44, LAT777, GBR451,
12:43 | leading sailors at mark 3- SWE13 (open) NOR12 ,EST44,LAT13
12:30 | Masters race 10 restarted -clear start
12:21 | masters race 10 abandoned
12:07 | first finishers race 10 youth- POL18; FRA14; DEN150; POL23
11:51 | leading sailors at mark 3 - youth race 10 - POL18; DEN150, FRA14
11:50 | race 10 for youth into sequence in 1 mnute.
leading saILORS RACE 9 WOMEN -aus911,pol19
11:11 | women / junior race 9 - clear start
10:51 | first finishers race 9 masters -POL127(open) GBR451 (1st master), DEN2, LAT13, EST311(open), EST2, EST47(open)
10:41 | leading sailors at mark 3 - SWE13, NOR12, POL127,GBR451
10:40 | all competitors will receive a dvd of the event -
10:37 | follow the progress of the next race - masters race 9 - gps tracking via event website
10:27 | first finishers youth race 9- POL18, GBR21, FRA41, NED777
10:18 | at the first mark - POL18; FRA41, FRA14, GBR21
10:16 | clear start ..
10:08 | Youth race 9 next ...
10:00 | first finishers: race 8 women/junior - AUS911, GER1001 (junior); ARM1; FRA804, (junior ) POL19
09:56 | final day - racing has started in, gusty conditions- wind is between 12 >21 knots.
women and junior race 8 - leading sailors AUS911, GER1001, ARM1
16:07 | final race for masters (race 8) - first finishers : EST2 ,EST202, EST44 no more racing for today .
16:06 | Final race for youth - race 8 is underway - leading sailor- POL192 ,POL18,POL23
15:20 | Finishers for Race 7 women - AUS911 , POL19, ARM1. First junior - GER1001
15:19 | 5 minsto start for race 7 women and junior
15:11 | first finishers -NOR12 (master),SWE13(open) , EST202, GBR451, EST2
15:05 | leading the masters after mark 5- NOR12 ,SWE13,EST202
15:00 | race 7 masters/open- clean start and leading at first mark- NOR12;EST202,EST44
14:59 | Women have just been sent for the last race of the day
14:58 | Wind is very gusty, 10-15kts
14:57 | Clear start for race 7 Masters.
14:45 | first finishers race 7 for youth - DEN150, POL18, ESP16
14:43 | leading sailors -DEN70, POL18,ESP16,POL23 at first mark
14:22 | race 7 for youth in 4 minutes- after this race the sailors get a second discard .
the start is undera black flag
14:17 | first finishers race 6 - GER10001,AUS 911,ARM1
13:59 | Race 6 women and junior- first at mark 3 -GER1001 and AUS911
13:44 | First finishers Masters/Open Race 2- DEN111 (open), NOR12 (mastr) POL127 (open)
13:38 | first finishers race 6 youth - POL239, POL192, FRA14
13:36 | Clear start for the masters
13:12 | At the moment there is 14knots on the race area
13:04 | first finishers women - AUS911,ARM1,POL19.
General recall race 6 youth
12:57 | 4 minsto youth start race 6
12:49 | leading sailora: GER1001(junior) ARM1 (women ) AUS911,FRA 804, POL19
12:48 | youth race 6 in 15 mnutes
12:24 | women and junior clean start race 5
12:00 | correction - SWE 13 first open ;POL127 2nd open.
First master -GER66-followed by GBR451
11:40 | first finishers Masters - SWE13 ; GER66; GBR451
POL127 (first open was between SWE13 and GER66)
11:21 | masters race 5 started- clear start on the I flag
11:07 | there is a delay for the Masters start. Marks are moving so the courseis being reset.
conditons are \\\\"challenging\\\\"- 20knots and waves all over the course.
10:39 | first finisher youth r5- POL18, FRA14, DEN70, POL739
10:38 | youth race 5 started line clear
10:17 | AP down for Youth -5 mins to start of youth race 5
10:13 | first finishers race 4 women - AUS911;ARM1, POL19
10:06 | a delay in the start of race 5 for youth - the wind has shifted and the course needs to be altered
10:00 | first finishers in race 4 - women AUS911 ; fe Junior GER1001
09:59 | 10 minutes to warning signal for youth
09:49 | leading sailors on mark 3 - AUS911,ARM1,POL19-
and in fe junior -GER1001.
wind is 14 >16 knots with gusts of 20..
09:48 | Day 4 - race 4 for women and junior fe a clear start. we have a good wind forecast for the whole day .
16:52 | no more racing today
16:30 | finish last race - rAce 4 for master - LAT13 , POL40, GBR451
16:25 | youth finishers race 4 - POL18,POL192,POL23
15:13 | race3 women - AUS911,POL19,ARM1
15:10 | sorry a correction Race 3 Masters - NOR12, LAt13,EST202, SWE13,SWE876
14:42 | first finishers race 3 -masters - EST202, SWE13, SWE876
14:25 | first finisher race 3-youth- POL739,POL18,GBR32
14:12 | ITA 636 -OCS race3 youth-
14:04 | first finishers race 2 women - AUS911,ARM1,POL19
Race 3 for youth to start next.
13:16 | Mastrs finish race 2 - EST202, NOR12,SWE13,LAT13
12:30 | First finishers Race 1 women- AUS911, ARM 1;
first finishers youth race 2- DEN 70, FRA14, POL18
Masters race 2 to start very soon
12:06 | women clear start ; youths called out for race 2
12:02 | women and junior - general recall for restart of race 1
11:46 | first finishers race 1 masters -SWE13,LAT13,SWE876,EST202
11:29 | first finisher race 1 SWE13 followed by LAT 13
11:20 | first rounding mark 4 - LAT13,EST44,LAT102,NOR15....
11:16 | clear start for masters and open
11:15 | irst race for women /fe junior was timed out - race is abandoned
11:14 | we are in sequence for start in masters /open- first start was a general recall, racers now under a black flag
11:03 | leding racers race 1 youth - NED777,ESP16;POL18,FRA52,FRA804
10:56 | correction -first finisher NED777
10:33 | sorry for the slow report - first finishers race 1 youth - POL21\\; NED777
10:22 | clear start for youth . the wind is gusty -but for the moment we have enough wind.
09:55 | youth start was abandoned - but now they are back in sequence for restart. the wind dropped during the womens race - we can expect a protest !
09:43 | warning signal for youth first race .
chek the course -
09:42 | good morning from Tallinn- we have wind and first race for Women has started . Youth are starting thir first race very soon.
14:59 | the wind did not build - it remained at a steady 6 knots .
the forecast looks good for the next 3 days .
tune in tomorrow.
14:56 | the wind has increased slightly and there is a steady but light breeze. The race crews are making ready the course - we hope the wind will increase sufficiently to call out the racers.
10:35 | still not enough wind to call out the sailors to race .
instead the women have been holding a meeting to discus future events and the promotion of women in formula.
10:30 | good morning from Tallinn- we have light, onshore winds forecast for the day , with the possibility of enough wind later in the day. After the skippers meeting the Chairman held an open meeting for youth racers,parents and coaches. A summary of the meeting will be published.
Now we are on hold -on the beach
16:18 | it does not look like we will get enough wind to try for another start . final decision for the day very soon
15:29 | the wind is now between 8>11 knots. the sailors will go out for a new start soon
15:24 | the wind has dropped -the sailors are coming ashore . we wait for etter conditions.
15:18 | clear start for womn who are starting with fe junior. the windislight !
15:15 | we are in sequence for women
15:01 | we are waiting forwind to stabilse
14:51 | first two starts - women and youth - are abandoned . the wind dropped before the start .
The racers stay on the water - next start will be for masters
14:48 | welcome to day 1 of racing at the 2007 AUDI Formula Festival. Race 1 is started for Women and Youth ; we are waiting for the 3rd start -masters fleet
Racing starts today. Over 141 competitors from 20 countries, representing 4 continents are registered for this event.
San Francisco served up some classic conditions with a stiff 25-30k breeze and plenty of voodoo chop for the last day of course racing at the US Windsurfing National Championships.