
Video footage

Check out the video footage from the event. Five days, two camera crews working full time produced ten sweet clips.

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Day 05 - reports

Thanks - it is important to acknowledge all those who have put a lot of effort into making this event a memorable championship:
Ferruccio Feitosa, Sport Secretary of Ceara State, Robert Bezerra, Director of Marina Park Hotel; Decio Sanford , Arrow Marketing; Teka Lenz, President Brazilian Windsurfing Assoc.
all the sponsors ; event and race office staff......
and, of course, all the competitors.

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Day four summery

Antoine Albeau is the 2007 World Champion – but he did not have it all his own way today !

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Day 04 reports

15:31 | come back soon for full results and photos ;and another video clip from bogo later this evening. Tonight there is party at Futura Beach - no doubt some may save themselves for the last days racing - but i think most will be out to enjoy the evenings festivities.

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3rd day reports

Another three races scored in changeable conditions. Antoine Albeau dominated event winning all races today.

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2nd day of FW Worlds

With a good wind forecast, and only three races scheduled for today, Race Director Bruno de Wannemaeker announced the first start for 12.30....

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Day 01 reports

After four races the first five looks as flows : FRA-192, ARG-3, POL-10, FRA-421, AUS-0.

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