
Day 4

19:15 | After 9 races- 1st Arg 3 ..8pts; 2nd AUS0...16pts; 3rd DEN111 ..24pts; 4th POL16 ..26pts; 5th BRA999 ..31pts.

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Day 3

18:20 | We finished the day with 3 rounds of slalom -you will find a report on IFCA website soon .

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Day two

19:30 | The wind did not improve during the rest of the day. However there is an excellent forecast for tomorrow. We have skippers meeting at 10 -first possble start at 11.

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Day one.
Ceri's report

19:00 | No more racing today. The wind stayed around 5/6 knots, and not from stable direction .We now prepare for the opening ceremony at the beach.
Skippersmeetin tomorrowat 10.00 . first start 11.00

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Olympic windsurfing.. by Svein Rasmussen.

FWOD for 2012 ?

The Formula Windsurfing Class have joined forces with Starboard to offer a Formula One Design concept for the 2012 Olympic Games. The proposed equipment will be raced throughout 2008 at international events and championships; debuting at the Sines - Portugal Grand Prix from 6th to 10th May. Read what Svein Rasmussen has to say about his vision for the olympics.....

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