Thursday 7th September, Gangneung, South Korea
AGM, Gangneung ’06
International Formula Windsurfing Class Association Annual General Meeting
up-dated: 16.09.2006
NEW!!! Minutes(posted 16.09.2005)
1. Welcome , and registration of delegates and votes.
2. Minutes of the 2005 AGM -Melbourne,AUS – and any matters arising.
3. Chairmans Report.
4. Financial Statement.
5. Class Rule changes: see proposals
6. Championship Rules: consider amendments to rules for 2007- see proposals
link (to Championship Rules 2006)
7. Future Championship venues and structure: see proposals
8. Elections: the existing committee are standing down, but offering themselves for re-election: see proposals
9. Any other business (based upon submissions received): see proposals
a)-World Ranking
b)– 2012 Olympics
Delegates are appointed by member national associations, and have one vote (as do committee members); but may represent other member associations from whom he or she has received a proxy vote mandate.
#7.7 ……”A Delegate or Committee Member can have at most, 3 votes: his/her + 2 proxy votes.”
IFWCA Constitution
Delegate Registration Form (- MS Word doc file).
Proxy form