After a solid month of classic 20 knot “meltemi” wind in marathon bay, an unexpected storm front put an end to the NE perfection. The wind gods however, smiled on our opening day of the championship providing us with 10-16 knots of SE wind which allowed us to complete two races back to back.

64 competitors from 17 nations, 3 continents, were split into two fleets. Youth and women’s fleet, and Masters fleets raced on an inner and outer course.

Race 1. Taking the first bullet of the event was POR 5 Miguel Martinho who had a great start and was first to the top mark. Both LAT 23 and GRE 28, Janis Preiss and Nicolas Scarlatos passed him on the down wind leg, yet POR 5 managed to pass them both again on the second upwind leg then held on for the finish. 1st POR5, 2nd LAT 23, 3rd GRE 28.

1st youth FRA 10, 2nd FRA 159, 3rd DEN 322

Race two. The start was a disaster for many with a massive crash, and this resulted in a big pile up. A collision between GRE 2000 and GRE 28, saw GRE 2000 swimming. GRE 28 managed to avoid going over the front by sitting on the front of POR 5’s board,,, chaos! After winning the first race POR 5 managed to fight his way back to 8th. However at the front taking his first bullet of the event was LAT 23, 2nd LAT 0, 3rd FRA 55.

After the break the wind died off. The race officer had us on the water trying to get a third race done, but the wind just didn’t stay stable enough.

At the end of racing, we all attended the opening party. A traditional Greek band played for a short while until the rain forced them to pack up early. Our formula class president Franceso Zarbo did mange to set the dance floor on fire with and inspired traditional Greek dance routine. Well done Francesco, your style and panache will be stamped firmly on the memories of all who witnessed your passionate performance!

Two good races in good wind. Day two looking cloudy, with possible SE conditions possible. Let’s see what the Ancient Greek wind gods provide us with on the morning.

Day 01 photos >>

Photos by A.KID (Ais Theocharopoulos)