• Number of days – 4 days (24 to 27 of March 2016)
  • Number of competitors – 36 competitors.
  • Number of Youth – 2
  • Number of Senior – 2
  • Number of Woman – 4 (the biggest grow of the fleet)
  • Number of Masters – 17
  • Number of GMasters – 8
  • Number of Veterans – 3

Once again we had a big event in Alqueva in this little paradise we have in Portugal, for those of you that don´t know is one of the biggest Lakes in Europe, in the middle of Portugal with amazing conditions for nautic sports and for many other sports like BTT, running, Skywatching (is the place in Portugal that we can see more activity in the sky, during the night, lots of stars, a beautiful moon.

This year also we had the big SPONSOR of CARMIM and the big support of the city Hall of Reguengos de Monsaraz. In the Championship we had everything, no wind, good wind, cold and day with a amazing sunshine with temperatures above 22 degrees.

The only thing that was a pity, was that for the first European Cup of the year we only had Portuguese and Spanish, also this year since 2014 we only had one day with wind and a full Championship with 4 days of Championship and only two races. In the last two years 2014 and 2015 we had 12 to 15 races, but till now we don´t control the wind.

Apart of only one day with wind, we had the best event with the best conditions for the competitors and their families since we start to organize the event from 2011. We had a big container with hot showers for everyone, food during the day, agreement with the local restaurant to have low cost meals for everyone, and dinner partyss every night of the Championship. In Saturday night we had a big dinner party at the EnoTourism of CARMIM, were we could see the place their produce the wine in Alentejo (one of the biggest Wine Cellars of Portugal) and were all competitors and their families could by lots of wine, because CARMIM made specials prices for competitors buying one of the best wines in Portugal.

Now regarding the competition, in the 4 days we only had wind in the day 3, and also was a tricky one, wind between 9 knots and 13 knots, very shifty and gusty, was a very long day only to finish two races, the wind all day was changing a lot, and we try to do 4 races, and only finish 2 good ones. The wind was in the right direction, and forecast was good, but……. Not the best in reality. In this all years was the first time, but always happen.

Once more time was Miguel Martinho that won the two races but all the 6 first competitors was very near, for you to have a idea there was 3 competitors with equal point in the 4th place, this first 6 competitors was POR 5 – Miguel Martinho, POR 78 – Bruno Bertholo, POR 4 – Luis Fonseca, POR 6 – Vasco Chaveca, ESP 15 – Miguel Marques and ESP 21 Carlos Ortiz. Check out final results.

Finally yesterday was the last day and the prize giving, everyone was very happy, because had a amazing championship.

For next year, we already have a contract with the City Hall to organize again one of the best Championships we have in Portugal of Formula Windsurfing, we hope that all of you can come next year to the PARADISE OF ALQUEVA.

Best regards
