Day 2 provided 4 races in winds of 14 to 18 knots. The south east direction proved to be a little more tricky to pick the shifts compared to the first day of stable thermal north east wind.

3 races back to back to start the day, as this wind direction is notorious for dropping off quite quickly in the afternoon. With the course being an easy reach from the beach,, most competitors were able to have a short rest between the first 3 races. An hour for lunch, then back out on the water for the last race of the day.

Race 4, no surprises here as the first 3 were exactly as the first day.

LAT-23, GRE-28, FRA-55 Race 5, saw LAT-23 1st again, yet FRA-55 managed to get the better of GRE28, with them finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively. Race

6 was the big surprise of the day. Some start line traffic, and a pile up or two seemed to break the rhythm of the top three sailors. Showing phenomenal potential for the future, race 6 belonged to the youth stars. EST-347 Tristan Kivi, took his chance firmly in both hands and recorded the “golden bullet” breaking Janis’s perfect record. Janis maybe needed the course to be a few meters longer, but had to settle for 2nd on this occasion. 3rd was

EST-228 Karl Saarm, who is leading the race for the youth title after the 2nd day. With the two youth sailors placing 1st and 3rd,, the future of Formula is certainly looking very bright. After the excitement of race 6, race 7 was business as usual. With the top 3 sailors of the regatta so far, stamping their authority on the top spots. LAT-23, GRE-28, FRA-55,,, 1,2,3.

So a full day of racing completed on day 2, forecast not looking super for tomorrow, but here n the land of the gods, anything is possible. Let’s see what day three has in store.
