This was the first event of our season here in Greece. Xalkoutsi Bay in the gulf of Evia, northern Attika, is one of the most consistent Formula windsurfing locations in Greece. It is only 40 mins drive from Athens, and is the home spot for many of our sailors. It is well known for it’s afternoon easterly thermals, However, on this occasion, we were treated to a three day mix of NW,N,NE winds which blew from 10-28 knots.

Our fleet has recently seen a reduction in participants due to the ongoing national financial difficulties. However, the athletes who are still racing are dedicated and passionate about the Formula class. Congratulations to all who made the effort to race. Even though numbers were down, the racing was intense at all levels. Later in the year when we host the final event of the FW EURO CUP, we are sure that our fleet will gather to race with the international sailors.

On this occasion we were very fortunate to welcome AUS-1 to Greece to race with us. For many of us, he is the ultimate windsurfing veteran. What a fantastic athlete, and icon of Formula Windsurfing. A true gentleman, who races with a “no mercy” 100% competitive mindset every time he hits the water. If the rest of us are half as capable, at half his age, we should consider ourselves lucky. It was our pleasure to race with Tibor, and we hope that he and the lovely Irene can come again sometime.

On this occasion, GRE-19 Vassilis Solidakis clearly stamped his name on the winners trophy by winning 6 of the 8 races that were completed. He knows the location well and has put in a lot of training the last few months. He really was in a class of his own. Vassilis has been Greek National Champion many times. However, on this occasion, his main rival and current Greek National Champion, GRE-28 Nicolas Skarlatos was not able to compete. Later in the year, the racing at our National Championships and Euro Cup, will be fast and furious for sure.

Congratulations to our race committee who set, re-set, and re-set again the course with every wind change. A hard three days on the water for them. We appreciate their efforts.

Thanks to El Presidente (GRE 25) and Nonios (GRE-356) who BBQ’d 100 souvlakia sponsored by our P.R.O. Dimitris Kotzias for the beach party. Also, a big thanks to GRE-969 Christian Frey. He is the heart and soul of Greek Formula windsurfing. Without him, we would not exist. He brings the boat, the bouys, the chains and anchors, the communication equipment, the computer, the printer, the list is endless! His energy and commitment are legend.

A small event as far as numbers. But a huge event in terms of the “Formula lifestyle” on and off the water. Racing your rivals in good wind, then partying on the beach by the fire. Good times had by all. After sailing in many locations around the world, living, training and racing formula in Greece is as good as it gets. (ok, so I’m a little biased) ;-b

A subtle reminder. The financial crisis here in Greece, means that prices right now are very low. Coming to Greece to race is now cheaper than ever.

We look forward to welcoming all International competitors to Greece, for the last event of the Euro Cup.

Good winds

AUS 200