Saturday did bring warm weather and beautiful sunshine. Unfortunately the wind conditions were not enough to start any more races. Race committee and organizers send special thanks to all competitors for their good sportsmanship and willingess to race; the AP flag was lowered twice and everyone sailed out even though the wind dropped almost instantly.

The organizers found a conflict between NoR, SI and European Cup rules regarding the amount of required races. After discussing with every competitor the Race Committee got no protests and could declare the event successfully completed.

The leader of Formula Windsurfing Ranking, Janis Preiss (LAT-23) took 1st place in division Overall with his unbeatable racing skills. He was also the fastest in division Masters.

Estonian riders were also too fast to their Finnish colleagues. John Kaju (EST-24) finished in second place and Peeter Kask (EST-12) finished third in division Overall. Joel Grönqvist (FIN-2) was the fastest Finnish rider finishing 4th in division Overall, followed by Jon Törwall (FIN-66) who was also second in division Masters.

Karl-Erik Saarm (EST-228) won division Youth by placing himself in the 6th position in division Overall. Maija Hakala (FIN-30) was the first in division Women, with 16th place in division Overall.

The organizers thank everyone for coming to Kalajoki and making this event possible. Have good winds in coming European Cup and other challenges!

Final results.