From 12th to 15th of June 2014 in Tallinn, from Pirita beach will take place a high level windsurfing and kitesurfing regatta. It is the fourth stage of the Formula European Cup, second stage of the NeilPryde Baltic Cup, and at the same time also the stage of the Estonian Yachting Union’ Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup . The competition will be organized by the club ‘Team Extreme ‘ in collaboration with Estonian Windsurfing Association and Estonian Yachting Union.

One hundred participants are expected to the competition, including both the windsurfing and kitesurfing top-riders from the Baltic States, as well as European and world’s elite. Pirita is expecting the Formula Windsurfing Class leader in the current world rankings, Janis Preis (LAT -23), from Latvia, who won the first stage of the NeilPryde Baltic Cup in Lithuania. In addition to Janis also Formula class Estonian number one – Martin Ervin (EST-2), who in the Lithuanian stage finished third and is currently ranked 15th in the world rankings, will be present.

The highest -ranked Estonian in Formula class current world-ranking is John Kaju (EST -24), holding there the 12th position, and who at the first stage of the Baltic Cup in Lithuania finished fourth. Among the world ranking top twenty as on the 19th position is the winter surf Estonian champion Peter Kask (EST -12). Ervin, Kaju and Kase, with the help of home advantage, are determined to collect extra points for the ranking standings and to achieve higher positions. The main organizer of the Tallinn event , Erno Kaasik (EST-2), finished 6th in the Lithuanian stage of the NeilPryde Baltic Cup and is ready to offer the strong competition to the Estonian men, as well as others – in last year’s contest in Tallinn Kaasik finished tenth overall.

Formula number one in Estonia, and last year’s winner of the Tallinn event, Martin Ervin said – “I was ill before the race in May and I did not compete to my best. I’m looking forward to the next week’s championship held in Tallinn, and hope we’ll have enough wind, and strong competition! I myself am in a good shape and the hardest rivals surely are Latvians, but also surprises could not be excluded! Martin, wisely, did not venture to forecast in which position he would finish.

Formula Kite sole Estonian participant at the Baltic NeilPryde Cup Lithuanian stage, where he placed second after Lithuanian Viktoras Šeputa, Madis Kallas (EST-15) is sure that the event in Tallinn for the kitesurfers will be extremely exciting. “All Estonian kitesurfers have done tremendous amount of training hours during the winter. Five or six Estonian best riders are waiting with excitement for domestic competition since at the Lithuanian competition i was the only Estonian present, and the level of the rivals is unclear,” said Kallas. Kite Team Estonia trained for three months this winter in Tenerife, and in Tallinn they hope to test all their skills and experience gathered during the winter. Lithuanian Viktoras Šeputa is currently ranked 11th in the world ranking. “I believe that both Margus Ots and Ranno Rum are able to compete with him today, ” added Kallas.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup is an internationally recognized Formula Windsurfing class racing series that gives points in the Formula world ranking. To date in 2014, there has been one phase on 23–25 May in Lithuania and the series reaches the peak on 8–10 August in Latvia, where the Baltic’s best surfers will be crowned. For the third year in a row, NeilPryde Baltic Cup will have under the big windsurfing regatta three different windsurfing classes: Formula, NeilPryde RS: X, Techno 293. And for the second year, also Kite Race will have its points for the world ranking.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia in web

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia on Facebook

This year for the first time the NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia will be the phase of the Estonian Yachting Union’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup Series. EYU’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup series consists of a total of eight youth and Olympic classes and there will be 8 events in series during 2014. Windsurfers and kites will participate in three of them, two races in Tallinn and Saaremaa one.

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup website:

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup on Facebook :

The organizers will do their best organizing the high-level event that will be enjoyed by riders and audience.

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., are available on the official website of the competition:

Sponsors of the competition are Tarcona , Extreme Sports and Oxbow . The supporters of the Estonian Yachting Union are Vopak EOS , Liviko , NG Investeeringud, LTT and Matek .

The first start of the competition: June 13th at 12:00. Schedule a website

Please contact for more information:

Piret Salmistu

Formula European Tallinn Cup

NeilPryde Baltic Cup

Estonian Yachting Union


Tel: +372 50 77217