Today was the First day of the Campofrio Alqueva FW 2014. The forecast for today was rain and strong wind´s, the forecast was right L, rain, cold and strong gusts. The constant wind was 12 to 15 knots, but the gusts could arrive at 25 to 28 knots.

The confirmations and registration´s start at 11h00, with some logistic problem´s the skippers meeting was at 14h00, instead of the 13h00 that was on the NOR, but everything was ok and start to be all prepared for racing.

We have 39 inscriptions with 6 countries in this event, is not the best fleet, but is a good one, also we have Miguel Martinho, Marco Begalli and Valentin Brault in this event, all the guys are preparing everything because this year the world Championship of Formula Windsurfing is very early, and they are trying to go the many events possible, during winter and in the beginning of Spring to be prepared for the Worlds in final of April, in Azores.

After the skippers meeting, the first possible start was schedule for the 15h00, and everyone start to run and prepare everything, all the guys don´t know what equipment to go to the water because the big diference of winds and gusts.

Finally the first race of the day start at 15h30, because the organization had problems to fixed the marks.

The two races, was almost the same, strong winds and lots of problems for the competitors. Miguel Martinho won the two races, and in the final results of this races, Miguel Martinho, John Kaju and Valentin Brault.

Today we only make two races, because we start late, and also because when we finish the two races, was very cold, lots of rain, and very bad visibility, but no problem we have 3 days more of racing.

Stay tune

Vasco Chaveca