Racing started on time in good conditions, with wind averaging 17 knots, gusting to 21 knots. The plan was for 2 races ‘back to back’ in the morning, after a break for lunch 2 further ‘back to back’ races and if the wind played ball, a final 5th race later in the afternoon.

It was not to be; the morning session went according to plan, but in the afternoon the wind dropped steadily, enabling only race 5 to be completed and race 6 being abandoned half way through.

After a further break ashore the race committee decided the wind had picked up sufficiently to attempt the elusive race 6. It was the right call and most finished in the dying breeze. It was however a hard slog back to the beach to complete a tough day.

In the youth fleet Christen Justesen from Denmark consolidated his position at the top, as did Italian Marco Begalli in the Masters. Consistency wins titles.

Top 3 in Youth

1) Christen Justesen DEN-26

2) Mateus Isaac BRA-767

3) Elia Colombo SUI-63

Top 3 Masters

1) Marco Begalli ITA-415

2) Peter Eliens NED-538

3) Ansis Dale LAT-13

Live ticker reports from day three

19:50 | first possible warning signal tomorrow at 10.00 hrs

18:58 | top 5 youths after 6 races – DEN26, BRA767, SUI63, LTU799, BRA114; top 5 masters after 6 – ITA415, NED538, LAT13, CZE17, SWE8

18:14 | a couple of protests tonight … and maybe we look to an earlier start tomorrow

18:13 | full results after 6 races will be posted as soon as possible

18:12 | no ore racing today – the wind has died again and ahard slog back to shore for the competitors

17:58 | no news is ….no news

17:43 | and its BRA767, BRA114, DEN26

17:40 | course is further out and harder to follow .. we will get the top 3 finishers only

17:25 | masters are also racing

17:20 | race 6 for youth is underway

17:50 | we try for race 6

16:51 | wind is average 11 knots – with gusts to 14 – lowest at 9 knots

16:50 | AP down – 30 minutes to warning signal

16:38 | forecast is not good for tomorrow – maybe we get a better chance to race late tonight

16:38 | will will try to race again – ap down soon

16:10 | everyone is back ashore or very nearly back to the shore … we will quickly reassess the situation

15:48 | race 6 abandoned – big black cloud on the horizon , killed the wind around the windward mark

15:37 | Masters have started

15:36 | first youth through the gate – BRA767, LTI718, LTU799

15:22 | meantime it feels like the wind is picking up again

15:20 | slight delay while we wait for a windward gate mark to be reset

15:06 | Race 6 to follow – then the racers come ashore and we assess the option of a 5th and final race for today

15:00 | first finisher in senior/master fleet – ARG143 ; followed by first master ITA415

14:53 | first youth finishers in race 5 – DEN26, SUI63, BRA767

14:32 | the wind is light in patches

14:30 | leading boards at the windward gate – DEN26, EST12, SUI63

14:16 | wind is 12>15 knots

14:15 | warning signal for race 5 youth

13:48 | top 5 MASTERS after 4 races : ITA-415, NED-538, LAT-13, CZE-17, LTU-789

13:40 | Top 5 after 4 races in Youth Fleet- DEN-26, LTU-799, BRA-767, SUI-63, FIN-2

12:48 | we will take a break after this race – before a further 2 races b to b

12:47 | rave?

12:46 | masters fleet rave 4 – ITA415, ARG1, ARG143,

12:40 | youth top three in race 4 – DEN26, BRA767, SUI63

12:38 | a little unsure of the leading masters – but up there are NED538 and LAT 11

13:29 | no change at the second upwind gate for youths – DEN26, BRA767, FIN2

12:29 | masters have also started

12:28 | at the gate first – DEN26, followed by BRA767 and FIN2

12:20 | there was a general recall – and restart is underway

12:17 | wrong time on that last post !

12:05 | Race 4 for youths is underway.. the course has been shortened

11:58 | ARG143 was OCS

11:54 | at the finish its – ARG1 followed by NED538

11:48 | first master through the gate is NED 538

11:48 | at the gate for second time the leading the masters fleet – ARG1 and ARG 143, but they are seniors ..

11:27 | Masters have started – wind may be a little lighter that earlier

11:25 | at the windward gate for second time leading the youths – SUI63, from DEN26, BRA767

11:19 | Masters yet to start ..

11:15 | at the windward gate leading youths were – gaastra (FIN2?) followed by DEN26, BRA767 …

10:42 | first warning signal for youth at 11.00 ; warning signal for masters 1 minute after start of youth

10:42 | 2 races back to back – break – 2 more races – perhaps a fifth race

10:41 | wind is average 17knots with gusts of 21knots

10:40 | Day 3 or racing and we have sun and wind !