17:11 | top 5 masters after extracting seniors – ITA415, LAT13, ITA92, LTU789, AUS8

17:10 | correction to masters fleet – top 5 overall ; ITA415, ARG143, ARG1, LAT13, ITA92

16:50 | No more racing today… the wind looks very patchy ; but a good forecast for tomorrow and friday

16:16 | first junior in youth fleet – NED800

16:16 | top 5 youths after 2 races – DEN26, LTU799, BRA767, FIN2, BRA114

16:15 | after 2 races the top 5 masters are – ITA415, ARG113, LAT13, ITA92, LTU789

14:45 | race one for all completed race 2 underway – and now it is raining ..

14:03 | sorry – DEN26

14:00 | race 1 finished for youth – FIN2, DEN24, BRA767, LTU799 … very unofficial ..

13:45 | Youths have started – and looks ok

13:25 | It is not looking too stable – windwise- in the racing area. There is a lot of cloud cover and gusts of wind blowing over the course area

12:59 | the intention is first start youth and second start masters. 2 races back to back

12:58 | AP is down – minimum of 30 minutes to the first warning signal

12:55 | wind has picked up and we are hoping for some races this afternoon

12:33 | but lets hope we get some racing in first

12:32 | a short bus ride to nearby town and a centre of excellence for wine.

12:30 | we are still waiting – the goos news is we have arranged a special wine-tasting trip for this evening

10:53 | At the moment we are postponed at the beach

10:49 | Welcome to day 2 of racing at the 2013 Youth and Masters Worlds – also known as Pannonia Surfing Days Windsurfing Festival