Today was the first day of the IBERIAN CUP 2013/OPEN PORTUGUESE CHAMPIONSHIP 2013. This Championship is organized by the Clube de Vela de Lagos, in the beatiful city of Lagos in the south of Portugal.

Until 12h00 in the morning was the registration´s and inscriptions confirmation, and at 13h30m was the skippers meeting.

The big financial crisis in Europe has affected this event; normally we had 40 Formula guys, and this year we only have 13 guys, 10 portuguese and 3 spanish guys. This is a very small fleet, but we have two big names from the Formula world in Miguel Martinho (POR5) and Fernando Martinez (ESP71).

The day started with the wind in a good direction for this spot, NW but with lots of clouds. The local guys were sayin that the best wind is with clean skyes without clouds, but the forecast is good lets wait.

Everyone waited until 14h30m, when the race committee decided to send everyone to the water with the wind around 08 to 12 knots. In the begining was that wind but the wind always changing direction and intensity, with gusts with 06 to 13 knots. With this wind we only make to races back to back.

The first 5 guys was:

1 – Miguel Martinho

2- Fernando Martínez Del Cerro

3 – Miguel Marques

4 – José Ribeiro

5 – Vasco Chaveca

Tomorrow the skippers meeting is at 12h00. The forecast is with good wind at 15h00.

Lets see whats happen tomorrow

Best regards

Vasco Chaveca