The 2013 AGM of the Formula Windsurfing Class will take place in the evening of Thursday 11th July at the World Championships being held in Viganj, Croatia.

The exact time and venue for the meeting will be published on the event official notice board.

The Agenda for the meeting may include:

Previous Minutes

– Chairmans report

– Financial Report

– Class Rule and Championship Rule changes

– Class Committee recommendations

– Future Championships

– Class Committee Elections

The deadline for submissions/nominations/proposals is June 13th:

– submissions to change rules;

– nominations for committee:

– proposals for future championship venues.

Submit by email to –

If you propose a rule change, give the reasons for the change.

If you are nominating a person for committee, ensure you have that persons agreement for the nomination.

If you are bidding to host a future championship, give details and be prepared to make a presentation to the AGM.

The full Agenda, including items to be voted, will be published by June 27th.

Only national associations that are current (2013) members may send a delegate and vote –

If you are still unpaid – please pay now!

Details of delegate registration, proxies, and email voting will be published with the full Agenda.