16:40 | Top 5 in silver fleet after today – LTU646, LAT48, LAT25, LTU1001, SWE8

16:30 | Top 5 women after 8 races – POL19, POL7, POL09, EST25, LAT140

15:52 | last possible start tomorrow is at 1800

15:51 | Tomorrows schedule is for 1000 skippers meeting and 1100 first warning signal – although the forecast looks like light winds until late safternoon

15:50 | 4 races completed for all fleets today – full results for women and silver as soon as possible.

15:49 | First finishers in silver fleet – LAT25, LAT48, LTU1001, RUS54

15:45 | and LAT140 , POL12 – that is it for the women today

15:43 | POL19 first finisher in last race for women – followed by POL09 and POL7

15:43 | Leading the silver fleet after 1 round – LAT48, LTU646, LTU1001, EST789

15:38 | After 1 round in women we have leading – POL7, POL19, LAT140

15:35 | Last race is underway for women and Silver fleets

15:05 | Maybe it is over for today – we had more or less as forecast

15:05 | The wind is dropping – now down to 7 >8 knots

15:04 | Top 3 in women race 7 – POL19, POL7, EST25

15:03 | First finishers in silver fleet – LTU789, EST233

14:59 | First finisher in womens fleet race 7 – POL19

14:50 | Leading men in silver fleet in race 3 today – EST233, EST789, LTU646

14:37 | Top 10 in Gold fleet – GBR83, AUS0, POL507, GER122, POL16, BRA50, USA34, POL25, DEN24, NED52

14:37 | Clear start for women

14:25 | Orange flag for race 7 women

14:14 | Class flag up for silver in 1 minute

Racing finished today for Gold fleet

14:13 | Followed by – AUS0, POL507, ISR1, DEN24, EST202, GER122, BRA50

14:12 | Coming to the finish – GBR83 followed by NED52

14:09 | NED52 and GBR83 took different routes to masrk 1 – GBR83 still leading into the last downwind

14:05 | 5 minutes to class flag up on the beach for women

14:04 | followed by GER122, ISR1 … POL10 is out of this race after a collision in last one

14:03 | Correction – AUS0 , POL507, DEN24, EST202,

14:03 | after 1 round – GBR83, NED52, POL507

14:00 | First to windward mark – GBR83

13:55 | final race for Gold is started

13:40 | A problem at the start – loose line at pin end mark – AP on start boat

13:21 | Top 5 in silver after 2 races today – LAT48, LAT25, SWE8, LTU646, LTU1001

13:21 | Top 5 in womens flleet after 6 races – POL19, POL7, POL09, EST25, LAT140

13:19 | First finisher – GBR83, NED52, POL507, GER122, BRA50, AUS0, POL16, USA34, EST202, FRA823

13:15 | At mark 1 – GBR83, NED52, POL507,

13:11 | followed by AUS0, US|A34, EST202,

13:09 | Leading the fleet after 1 round – GBR83, NED52, POL507, BRA50, GER122, POL16,

13:06 | Black flag start was all clear – POL16 got great start. ISR1 is retiring from that race

13:00 | Restart

12:50 | but general recall

12:50 | Start ..

12:48 | My timing was a l;ittle out – start in 2 minutes ..

12:35 | 5 minutes to warning signal for gold fleet

12:33 | Top finishers in Silver fleet – LAT25, RUS171, LTU646, LAT48, SWE8

12:30 | They now come ashore for lunch ..

12:30 | At the finish for the women – POL19, POL7, EST25

12:21 | After 1 round – EST25, POL19. POL9, POL7

12:17 | Wind is average 11 gusting 15 knots

12:15 | Silver fleet have started – Gold flag upon the beach in 5 minutes

12:05 | ready for second race for women

11:54 | Top finishers in Silver Fleet – LAT48, LAT777, LTU646, EST789

11:53 | Top ten in Gold fleet aftyer 2 races today – GBR83, AUS0, POL507, POL<10, POL25, POL16, BRA50, DEN24 , ESP71, FRA531 11:51 | First finishers in the girls – POL19, EST25, EST146, POL12

11:44 | The wind is back to average 13 knots

11:43 | Leading the silver fleet – LAT48, BRA1313, LTU646, LAT777

11:39 | Leading the girls – EST146 from POL19

11:38 | Silver and women are both racing – the wind is average 11 knots

11:01 | Followed by – GER122, POL25, BRA50

11:01 | At the finish – GBR83, POL507, AUS0, POL10, USA34,

10:55 | At mark 1 – GBR83 from POL507

10:52 | After 1 round – GBR83, POL507,POL10, AUS0, USA34, POL25, BRA50, ESP71, POL48, GER122

10:51 | Sorry – ladies called out in 10 mins , silver in 15 minutes

10:46 | race 2 for gold fleet has started – the women and silver prepare to go out to the course area

10:41 | EST24 involved in a collision with FRA730 – he could not finish the race and misses the second – the Jury my be busy tonight !

10:40 | Arnon Dagan had a split fin and while rushing to change fins also badly cut his hand and foot – he is temporarily patched up and back on the water

10:40 |

10:40 | The start of the second race for Gold fleet tghis morning will start very soon .

10:23 | DEN 24 finishes – first youth

10:22 | Coming to the finish – GBR83, POL25, AUS0, POL507, USA34, NED13, POL16, POL10

10:14 | GER122 also OCS

10:14 | ISR1 has come to the beach – some equipment proiblem maybe

10:13 | Coming to leaward mark – GBR83, with good lead , over POL25, AUS0, POL10, NED13, POL507,USA34 , POL 16

10:05 | OCS – FRA730 , POL013

10:05 | start

10:00 | warning signal

09:55 | Orange flag – 5 mins to warning signal

09:45 | 15 minutes to first warning signal and the first race in finals for Gold fleet

09:29 | Some sailors already out on the water – this could be the defining day of this championship – since the forecast is not so good for tomorrow

09:28 | The wind is still onshore but is forecast to move south west and drop a little. Hopefully we get a full days racing

09:27 | Todays course and schedule are the same as day 3 – 2 races back to back for Gold fleet start todays schedule

08:50 | 10 minutes to skippers meeting – the committee boats are on the water. The wind is 12>17 knots

07:48 | good morning – will be heading to the beach soon ; and expecting to find waves , but a little less wind than yesterday. By 10.00 the wind should move more cross onshore making launching a little easier.