I arrived Thursday night with Yoann Fleury after we had some problem with our gear at the airport in Paris the morning.. The trip was long !!

Our racing began on the Saturday, no wind on the Friday ! 5 races in a wind very shifty in pressure and direction (7-18 kts). We have to be consistent to win the event, all the guys are fast, and only one discard !

I finished 2nd overall, my best race was a 3rd !! Janis won at this game, congrats’ to him and thank you to the organisers !

See you in Croatia !!

Valentin Brault (FRA823)

Top 3 finishers were:

1st – Janis Preiss (LAT23)

2nd – Valentin Brault (FRA823)

3rd – Yoann Fleury (FRA730)

The Estonian Baltic Cup was also the 4th round of the 2012 European Cup ; and updated ranking for the series will be published soon