The first racing day of NeilPryde Baltic Cup at Pirita beach in Tallinn featured competitors from 8 countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, France and Finland. All together 90 participants in 3 different windsurfing classes (Formula, Raceboard, the Techno 293). Skippers meeting took place at 11:00, but the first planned start at 12:00 canceled – because of the wind speed only 2.4 knots. However, an hour later the wind rose sufficiently to race the T293 and RB classes – but Formula remained on hold. Conditions did not improve and everyone was looking forward to the following days forecast .

Forecast for Saturday (30.06) allows proper land wind with the strength of 12-19 knots. The first race is planned to start at 11:00. Competition day is followed by a spirited after surf at Pirita Battery Surf Club with great music and grill.

Competition schedule, press releases, results and more:

Photos: Liis Härmson

Press contact:

Kadi Truuleht

NeilPryde Baltic Cup

Formula Windsurfing European Cup
