Now that the South American Championship comes to end in 2012, the next event of the Formula Windsurfing World ranking and the first event of the new European Cup 2012, comes to Portugal – ALQUEVA – MONSARAZ / IBERIAN CUP 2012, from 28 of April to 01 May of 2012.

Don´t forget that the inscription dead line for discounted entry is 20th April, (till 20/04/2012 – 45 euros, after 20/04/2012 60 euros) please also if you can send the registration form to the organizor because will be more easy for us and for the competitors on the first day of the event.

Take care also about the accommodation, because is a small place and the more cheap accomodation will go fast.

The forecast to Alqueva in the following week is tempature between 6º to 20º, a big diference, good during day, but very cold at night, the wind is between 12 knots and 20 knots, but constant wind 12 knots in the beginnig of afternon and picking up during the afternoon.

We are waiting for you all, and looking forward to delivering a good event.

Best regards

Vasco Chaveca (POR6)

Event Co-Ordinator