Once again, we had great conditions up at the lake. Race committee decided to do two races and leave two more races for the last day tomorrow (saturday).

Just before the start of the first race, the wind picked up nicely gusting to around 23 knots.

There were a lot of people watching the races, as during the Easter holiday its a popular destination for many people from Mendoza to spend the day up at the lake .

On the first race, Gonzalo and Paulo had a bad start and tacked early, Mathias and myself took advantage and went further thinking it was going to pay of, but it did not, and Gonzalo rounded in first with a clear lead and took another bullet, Paulo and I had a good battle and he took the second position followed by myself in third and Mathias in fourth.

On the second race, Gonzalo sailed all the way into the bay on the starboard end and when he tacked got a major lift and was off once again leaving everyone behind to control the lead and take another win and with this the title for the south americans, well deserved.

Mateus Issac was in second place until the last reach for the finish, but got overtaken by Paulo who finished second and also secured his second spot at the event. Fourth place was Nahuel who overtook me on the downwind and is one of the fastest on the downwind run.

Tomorrow we should do two more races to finish of the event and complete a maximum of 15 races.

The top 3 position are already set with Gonzalo in first, Paulo in second, and I (wilhelm) in third, however, fourth place is wide open with Nahuel and Mateus Isaac having a great battle.

Cheers for now and happy Easter,

Wilhelm Schurmann
