On sunday, the race committee decided to make 4 races since the forecast was very good – with winds between 15 to 18 knots. In the first race, it was blowing between 6-10 knots and in many parts of the course i could not plane. I started OK, and rode along with Mathias & Wilhelm, but I stopped planing and lost several positions, finishing 4th.

In the next race i dropped behind, but saw that Mathias had good speed, and soon saw that the wind was favoring the other side of the course and went right. I did very well in getting up the first windward in front and led from end to end, followed by Mathias BRA5 and Fernando. Then Wilhelm arrived 5th in this race

We had an hour break for lunch. I took to test a different Kashy fin because the wind was between 16 and 17 knots.

I really enjoyed the fin and went to the last two races with it. I started very well but picked up much weed on the fin. Then Mathias & Wilhelm got in front of me, I went to 2nd but Wilheml was leading the race until the last slalom jibe, but I did well and went over and won the race by a whisker.

Unfortunately for me, the CR had missed the starting procedure and Wilhelm said he would protest the race, then they canceled the race. In the next race won with much advantage of Wilhelm. We had to do more to make up for a race that was canceled. I had a difficult last race – which i knew i had to win to take North American Championship, but it was not my tournament – on the last lap, I was near to Wilhelm and could overtake him but I got a bag on the keel and so i lost my chance to win.

I sailed here in Miami a few years and always had problems with weed, but this time it was simply impossible to sail a real lottery!

Final Result –

1) Wilhelm Schurmann BRA999

2) Paulo dos Reis BRA3333

3) Mathias Pinheiro BRA5

