NeilPryde Baltic Cup 2011 announced finals at Pirita beach today. The most important race of Baltics called best windsurfers from Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Brazil.

Already the thirteenth year in Tallinn, culminating title race of final phase promised an interesting race – after stages in Latvia and Lithuania, first stage drew Martin Ervin (EST-202, NeilPryde / Starboard) with 17 points, second after Filip Korczycki (POL-555, NeilPryde / Starboard) 22 points, and the third Janis Preiss (LAT-23, Gaastra) points of 34. In woman record first was Annika Valkna (EST-146), followed by Marta Ozola (LAT-140) and Helle Väin (EST-73).

Skippers meeting took place at 12.00 o`clock, where the judge of the contest (Andrus Poksi) presented participants with the rules of the competition. The first race was planned to start at 13:00 o`clock. The weather, however, did not allow a robust improvement at sea (the wind speed measured at the start area was only 3 knots). However, windsurfers unwavering will to contest, grew slowly waves and at 14:40 total 52 windsurfers went to sea. Race was wrapped up soon with the AP flag, which gave the contestants know the delay in the race. At 17:05 a new attempt to start was announced. Unfortunately, only a few minutes later the ride interrupted due to little wind. Also the first NeilPryde Baltic Cup day was closed.

So, the first competition day did not allow to write down any results. Windsurfers and audience was invited Battery Surfclub beach party “IT SAX@ SURFCLUB“, enjoying good music performed by saxophonist Indrek Varend.

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., available in:

Competition sponsors: Extreme Sport, Oxbow, Rannarootsi, Saku, Liviko, Tähtreklaam

Press contact: Kadi Truuleht NeilPryde Baltic Cup E-mail: Ph: +372 52 06 600