16:17 | racing tomorrow – first possible at 11,30

15:58 | Top 10 after 7 races – FRA192, BRA3333, ISR1, ARG3, AUS0, BRA50, POL16, DEN111, FRA531, USA34

15:35 | First finishers race 7 – ISR1, FRA192, POL10, ARG3, AUS0, BRA3333, BRA50, POR5, EST202, NED13

17:26 | With 7 races completed the 2nd discard comes in to play – for sure FRA192 heads the ranking ; but it is getting intensely close in the remaining top 10 places

15:25 | We will have a couple of protests tonight – too many port / startboard -Rule 10 – incidents. Sailors do not seem to be observing the basic rules.

15:16 | info was wrong – ISR 1 just ahead of FRA192 , followed by POL10, ARG3, AUS0 ..

15:12 | ISR1 passed FRA192 …but a superb gybe by Anyoine and he is back in front

17:10 | the leading boards are – FRA192, ISR1, POL10, AUS0, DEN111, ARG3

15:09 | clear start for 4th and final race today

14:25 | first finishers race 6- BRA3333, BRA50, ARG3

14:21 | on lap 2 it is – BRA3333, BRA50, USA34, ARG3..

14:19 | clear start race 6 … leading on lap 1 – usa34 from bra3333

15:41 | Marion Lepert (USA143) is having a great regatta – still a junior (under 17 ) she is leading every race in the combined women -free formula fleet

13:41 | The wind is still good 15>18 knots – not long to race 6

13:40 | After 5 races the top 10 are – FRA192, BRA3333, ISR1, DEN111, POL16, AUS0, BRA50, ARG3, FRA531, USA34

13:15 | lunch break – next warning signal at 14.00

12:55 | ISR1 broke a mast not a fin – collision with immovable object namely the REEF

12:48 | after 2 laps – FRA192, ARG3, AUS0, BRA333

12:43 | DEN111 came in azfter a collision with FRA1642

ISR 1 broke a fin …

12:42 | The race is underway – leading are FRA192, ARG3, AUS0, BRA3333

14:32 |

12:30 | we are 5 minutes from the start of race 5

12:20 | Top 5 after 4 races – FRA192, ISR1, BRA3333, DEN111, POL16

12:12 | Leading finishers in race 4 – FRA192, AUS0, NED13, BRA3333, ISR1, ARG3, POL16, FRA531, DEN111, BRA999

12:08 | a short break and then we have race 5. The schedule is to then short break for lunch and restart at 13.30 with race 6

11:58 | that last list was the finishing order – another win for Antoine

13:50 | top positions are now – FRA192, AUS0, NED13, ISR1, BRA3333

13:45 |

11:46 | It is raining hard now and the wind has increased

11:45 | the leading sailors at the moment are – POL10, AUS0, FRA192, ISR1, NED13

11:45 | the leading sailors at the moment are – POL10, AUS0, FRA192, ISR1, NED13

11:36 | Race 4 is underway – OCS were FRA1642 and DR22

11:30 | Five minutes to the start of race 4 – everyone is on big sails today.

10:55 | After the incident Casper sailed in unassisted – and swiftly taken to hospital where he received the best possible treatment. Hopefully we see him back on the race course very soon. Meantime the issue of the boom and rules is under the microscope!

10:50 | The injury was sustained from a brush with the back end of another guys boom – custom back end that must be fitted with something with a sharp edge. Although it is the first incident of this kind recorded ( or known) – contacts of this type are a regular occurance.

10:45 | Hot topic of the day is the injury sustained by Casper Bouman just before the start of race 2 yesterday. But first the good news – he is ok , no serious long term damage ; and he is in remarkably good spirits considering the huge dissappointment he must feel.

10:41 | Good morning. Skippers meeting is over and first possible warning signal is moved to 11.30.

Winds are lighter at the moment and may remain lighter than yesterday throughout the day