Hello all, this day i don´t have much of a story as no one goes to the water because of the lack of wind.

When everyone came to the race office a little breeze from North was arriving, with 7 to 10 knots, with good forecast for the wind pick up, we had the Skippers meeting and the CR, put in 20 minutes the flag for 30m to start the first race of the day, but when the CR arrive to the racing zone, the wind start to drop and go away completly. The final hour for start was 16h00, but the wind only arrive at 18h00.!

This Championship was finished, with Paulo dos Reis in first, Miguel Martinho in second and Pablo Barrachina in third.

Everyone was very happy with the organization, because the place where was the race office and the place where everyone have his car´s, van´s and motorhomes was 20 m from the water and 10 meter´s from the organization club. On the 3º day of the event the club had made a big barbecue on the beach with lots of food and drink for everyone, competitor´s and their company (wife, son, daughter….)

The feedback of everyone was extremely good, and also the feedback from Paulo dos Reis “saying that is a great place for big international and national event, a professional organizing club, and excelent conditions on the water and on the beach, when Portugal organize other big event in Lagos I will go for sure”

Vasco Chaveca
