The skippers meeting start at 11h00, this time the CR will try to do 2 races back to back, a stop and other 2 races and finish for today.

The forecast for this day was 15 to 18 knóts of west NW. The start of the first race of the day was at 13h 30m, it was 15 knóts of wind, the race start´s but when the fleet is arriving to the upwind mark, start to rain a lot and the wind finish completly. The CR cancelled this race and change the course, because the course was to big and they need to make more races.

We wait a little and start the second start for the first race of the day, the wind continues to be 15 knots but with lots of holes, and allways shifting, it was a little nightmare, Miguel Martinho make the first bullet of the day, in front of Paulo dos Reis. The race finish and we wait for every one arrived to do the next race.

Start the seconda race of the day, with a little more wind than the first race, but allways shifting, in Lagos when the weather is complete with rain clouds, the wind is not constant, and is a nightmare for the CR and for the competitors. This time Paulo dos Reis take is first bullet of the Iberian Cup in front of Fernando Martinez and in front of Miguel Martinho.

Tomorrow the skippers meeting will be at the same time 11h00, the weather forecast for tomorrow is better, with less clouds and more wind of NW, picking up at 18h00 25 knots, lets see if the forecast is right this time.

Vasco Chaveca