16:15 | provisional resul before protest~

1. bra 50 – 10 pts

2. bra 999 – 17 pts

3. bra 3333 – 21 pts

16:05 | Shortly we will have the presentation and then we go party like Kings… Brasilian style. Seeya.

16:04 | Ok, thats over and out from me (Sean). So tune in from Tuesday when we will go back to some boring guy on the live ticker… the full results of this event will be on www.BrasilWind.com and if you cant find the results link in Portuguese, check www.AUS120.com and I will link to it.

16:04 | ok, Helio is running to the finish now… so thats it for the Brasilian Championships. I would think Gabriel has won by at least 5 points with Wilhelm 2nd and Paulo 3rd…

16:00 | Oh man, this 13th guy is in the water again…its Helio Peixoto (BRA-397)… must be those heavy North sails…

16:00 | Haha, he just missed the top mark with the crash and decided just to keep sailing. We wont tell anyone right?!

15:59 | 13th place just crashed at the top mark…ouch. He is looking tired… I will wait for him though before I log out.

15:58 | Monica looks like Allison Shreeve at this distance, she was the only 1 of the last 3 sailors not in the chicken strap downwind… good effort!

15:55 | 10th is Marcelo Otoch (BRA-54), 11th Lourenco Rola (BRA-96), 12th is the famous girl Monica Veras (BRA-878) … there is a 13th guy but he hasnt made the top mark yet and hes too far out to read the numbers…

15:54 | That oldschool NP guy is Davi Ferran (BR-8781)… i will call out all the guys now, so everyone gets a moment on the ticker….

15:53 | 7th is rounding the mark now, its BRA-501 followed by BRA-2204 and somebody on a NP RS:4 that I cant read the numbers.. probably he is Brasilian.

15:52 | Victor must be on the 12m, he is in the chicken strap coming to the finish, and not looking comfortable.

15:52 | Oh no, Victor crashes again.. he must be tired. He will still hang on to 6th though, 7th place is still not even around the top mark.

15:51 | Now Miguel is going to pass Victor as he didnt actually go around the mark, so he has to tack back upwind to re-do the slalom… so Miguel comes 5th.

15:51 | Results race 11: Gabriel, Paulo, Wilhelm, Fabio… Victor has put it in the drink on the final slalom gybe. What a rookie…

15:50 | Gabriel puts the pedal down and wins by 2m !! The Brasilian Champion!

15:50 | Another horrific gybe by Gabriel… Paulo is level with him and they run to the finish… Paulo goes super low!

15:50 | Fabio passes Victor… the brothers battle!

15:49 | Gabriel does a big safety gybe and nearly goes over the front… Paulo the same…

15:49 | Victor came from nowhere to be back in the Top 5…….now only the slalom to go. Poor Miguel is only just rounding the top mark now. Too windy for him I think!

15:48 | Gabriel manages to cross them and rounds the mark 1st (13:42 mins). So Gabriel, Paulo, Wilhelm, Victor, Fabio is the order…

15:47 | uh-oh… wind has shifted. Paulo and Victor who were further to the right have picked up on Gabriel.

15:47 | Miguel and Victor are just making up the numbers well back in 5th and 6th…

15:45 | Gabriel is in a different wind…he is pointing much much higher than everyone…opening up a massive lead. Wilhelm has slipped downwind a little and Paulo is closing the gap to the top mark.

15:45 | Gabriel is first to tack… they are looking super overpowered on the big sails. Paulo tacks behind Gabs and Willy… not a good idea…

15:44 | Just noticed Wilhelm has the headcam on…

15:43 | Paulo was last around so hes had to foot off to get out of the dirty air, hes well downwind now. Gabriel and Wilhelm are battling.

15:42 | All 4 gybe at the same moment… around the bottom mark (8:09 mins) – Gabriel, Wilhelm, Fabio, Paulo… but all very close. Then Victor about 200m behind.

15:42 | Wilhelm powers over the top of those 2 again to get back to 2nd coming to the bottom mark. Gabriel still about 50m ahead.

15:41 | Theres a shift downwind… Wilhelm got punished… hes now in 4th behind Paulo and Fabio.

15:41 | Gabriel goes about 5 degrees deeper than everyone… starts opening up his lead by 50m on Wilhelm now.

15:40 | 5:32 around the top mark, so the race should be longer.

15:38 | Gabriel around the top 1st, then Wilhelm, Fabio, Paulo, Victor, Miguel…

15:37 | Gabriel and Wilhelm going neck and neck to the top mark… will be close. Fabio and Paulo lead a small group 100m to leeward.

15:37 | Wilhelm going for speed… hes ahead of Gabriel now by 100m. Hes first to tack.

15:35 | Close group in the guys on port. Looks like Gabriel ahead highest up, then Willy and Paulo getting stuck in Wilhelms dirty air…

15:34 | The port sailors crossed the entire starboard fleet… Gabriel got closest to the pin. Clear start…

15:33 | Top 6 are all starting port….

15:29 | Same guys out on port … 1 min to go…

15:27 | Class flag up…

14:41 | Ok, I\’m back… 8 mins till the start. 16-21 knots (aka 21-26 knots) … everyone is still on 11.8m.

14:39 | Ok, next race will be at 2.30pm. So 49 mins from now. Bruno will go to ask the director to make the courses a bit longer! Over and out.

14:38 | Looks like the swell has picked up… watching some guys crash in the slalom course…must be horrific on FW kit.

14:38 | Gabriel won the GP Event at this location last year, ahead of many Europeans, so he knows the conditions well. Not bad for a Youth…

14:36 | I would think little Gabby was won the Brasilian title already.

14:35 | Nearly 3 mins between POR-5 and BRA-501 who \’s in 5th. The lead pack were miles ahead.

14:35 | Can\’t see Kurosh anywhere… might need a rescue boat…haha.

14:34 | Results: BRA-50, BRA-999, BRA-3333, BRA-5, BRA-2497, BRA-74 (OCS), POR-5 … no sign of Kurosh…

14:33 | Gabriel wins… easily. Willy holds Paulo out somehow for 2nd.

14:33 | Somebody is going upwind through the slalom course…nearly chaos! Willy gybed tight and Paulo super wide…will be close!

14:32 | Gabs into the slalom ahead by 300m … super battle for 2nd with Willy and Paulo… Willy is 5m ahead …

14:31 | 3rd is Paulo… neck and neck with Willy. 4th Mathias, then a tie for 5th with the Melo Brothers…

14:31 | Gabs around the top mark (11:38 mins) … Willy has got to 2nd !!

14:30 | Paulo has the lift of all lifts but he tacked 400m earlier than Willy, so it will be close at the top mark…

14:30 | Kurosh went out to sea … amateur hour. He\’ll get buried…

14:29 | Wilhelm is coming back… may pass Paulo in 3rd who\’s tacked way too early. Mathias is still clearly 2nd.

14:28 | Gabriel is pointing 5 degrees higher than everyone. What a machine…he\’s first to tack.

14:27 | Actually, BRA-2497 and BRA-74 before Kurosh (too many north sails)…then Miguel behind Kurosh.

14:26 | Gabriel around the bottom mark (7:05 mins)…then Mathias with Paulo closing on him… Wilhelm about 300m behind… then Kurassshh.

14:25 | Bruno is laughing next to me… they made the race longer but the wind picked up… so it\’s gonna be another short race!

14:25 | POR-5 and Fabio double tack the mark… so 4th Victor, 5th Kurosh, 6th POR-5, 7th Fabio (but he\’s OCS, so forget about him).

14:22 | Gabriel around the top mark first… (4:20 mins). 2nd is Mathias, then Paulo, then Wilhelm (he came back from NOWHERE)…

14:22 | Kurosh is back (DEN-13) !! He\’s tacked in 4th… Wilhelm is going much further to the wall before tacking. Probably too far…

14:21 | Quite tight in the group on port… looks like BRA-5 and Gabriel are highest and in front. Wilhelm is getting shunted at the back of the pack.

14:20 |

14:20 | Paulo started low again on port… Willy, Gabs and BRA-5 started very high on port… BRA-74 is not going back.

14:19 | Individual recall… BRA-74.

14:17 | 1 mins…. Miguel (POR-5) goes to the port end…

14:17 | Nope, Paulo goes to the port end… 2 mins to go…

14:15 | Only 3 at the pin end… Willy, BRA-5 and BRA-2497. Maybe Paulo is being conservative this time…

14:15 | Class flag up! Wind has picked up a bit… 15-18 by Bruno… 20-23 by everyone else.

14:11 | Here is a photo of what happened when Paulo took a guy out in Race 1 of the event: http://www.aus120.com/wp-content/galleries/fw-brasilian-nationals/IMG_6721.jpg …. Paulo was on port here as well! You should see the fin!

14:10 | Apparently, Victor left the beach before Paulo arrived…so no fights…

13:26 | 8 minutes to the next start…

13:26 | Going now to upload some photos from this race… check them out on http://www.aus120.com/special/live-event-coverage/

13:24 | Next race is at 1.15pm, 50 mins from now… the clock is still running 1 hour ahead, so subtract 1 hour.

13:21 | FYI, Gabriel is on 11.8m NP RS:6 + Starboard 160. Wilhelm is on 10.7 NP Proto Evo III and Starboard 160. Fabio is on 11.8 NP RS:R + HWR. Miguel is on 10.7 NP RS:R and I think a HWR. Paulo is on 12.3m Proto North 2011 and the massive Patrik Diethelm formula board… all are on Kashy fins.

13:20 | Bruno is heading back to the beach to make sure Paulo didn\’t beat Victor to death …

13:19 | 1st Gabriel, 2nd Wilhelm, 3rd Fabio, 4th POR-5 … Miguel has come from NOWHERE to be back in it …

5th BRA-501, 6th BRA-5 … we lost BRA-48 somewhere, must have fallen off.

13:18 | Gabriel wins … (13:50 secs). Bruno wins a beer from the race director for guessing the race was too short.

13:18 | BRA-501 then BRA-5 around the top mark in 5th-6th.

13:17 | Gabriel gybes the first slalom mark… it\’s quite tight to the second mark. Wilhelm has spritzd Fabio to the first gybe, 50m ahead.

13:17 | The slalom is bringing back horrific memories of RSX…

13:16 | Fabio got a MASSIVE lift from nowhere… neck and neck with Wilhelm going around the mark… 4th place is still BRA-48 but now 3 mins behind.

13:13 | Gabriel tacking around the top mark… clearly 200m ahead… should win unless he falls off the slalom!

13:12 | Big knock on the second upwind and Fabio has slid right down…Wilhelm should run over him. Gabriel is pointing much higher… probably 100m ahead now.

13:12 | Gabriel first round the bottom mark, then Fabio, then Wilhelm… very close between these 3 then about 1 min gap to BRA-48 in 4th

13:11 | Victor and Paulo are sailing back in to the beach… probably to fight!

13:10 | POR-5 and BRA-5 are 6-7th … Mathias fell off on the tack, he\’s wearing a headcam (must be too heavy for him)

13:08 | Gabriel first around Mark 1 (4:48 mins) … then Fabio, Willy, BRA-48…

13:08 | Gabriel first to tack, then Willy, then Fabio… they should round first …

13:07 | BRA-3333 has retired… apparently sailed across Victor on the start. Rookie error…

13:06 | Protest on the start from BRA-2497 (Victor) … not sure of details yet…

13:05 | Gabriel just rolled Wilhelm… pointing much higher. Paulo is further ahead but 300m downwind of Wilhelm and Gabs…first to the right side usually gets the best lift on starboard tack.

13:04 | Clean start… Wilhelm went super high on the pin on port… Paulo way down closer to the boat…

13:02 | 1 min to go… all the guns are on port. Should be hectic…

13:00 | 16 people on the line… 8 on starboard, 8 on port… 3 mins to go…

12:59 | Class flag up … looks like 12 only on the course.

12:57 | While we wait, check out a video I shot of Wilhelm on Friday … http://www.vimeo.com/16115715

12:55 | Updating the wind reading to 19-22 (Bruno\’s reading +5 is more accurate)…

12:55 | Live ticker brought to you today by Sean O\’Brien (AUS-120)…

12:45 | 15 minutes to the procedure, 20 to the start

12:37 | 14 knots gusting 17

12:37 | 12-14 knots

12:35 | course i sposted on the www.windbrasil.com website: its a upwind / downwind course with – as in the Olympics – a slalom finish !

12:32 | Today we will have a guest-writer on the life ticker: Sean O´Brien is taking a day off to be fully prepared for next week Grand Prix.

The Grand Prix starts on wednesday 27 and finishes on Sunday 31 Oktobre.

12:32 | 12-13 knots average, gusting 15 – 120 degrees

12:31 | 3 starts sheduled today: 12.00 – 13.15 and 14.30

12:31 | but here it is 11.31….

12:30 | AP down on the beach, procedure in 30 minutes

10:40 |

10:27 | haev a look at the movies of day 1 and 2 on the www.windbrasil.com website – thanks to Claudio of Morlima Filmes

10:30 | oeps…. Clock is till one hour off so skippersmeetin in 1h30 = 11 hours local time

10:30 | skippersmeeting in 30 minutes first start at 12

10:25 | good morning from windy Fortaleza,, Yes teh wind is back normal. I presume Paolo Dos Reis will like this to make a final attack on place 1 from Gabriel and place 2 from Wilhem……