17:09 | signing off

17:07 | tomorrow skippersmeeting at 11.00, first possible start at 12.00, 3 races sheduled, last possible start at 15.00 hours, prizegiving at 16.00 hours

17:04 | overall after 8:

1. bra 50 – 10 pts

2. bra 999 – 13 pts

3. bra 3333 – 16 pts

4. bra 2497 – 19 pts

5. por 5 – 21 pts

6. bra 74 – 23 pts

7. bra 5 – 38 pts

17:04 | 3333, 999, por 5, bra 5, aus 120

17:05 | finish race 8: 74,2497, 50,

17:03 | por 5 bra 5 aus 120

17:02 | marl 1 last time today: 74,2497, 50, 999, 3333

17:01 | lift on the inside

17:00 | paolo went outside

17:00 | por 5, bra 5, aus 120

16:59 | mark 2: 74, 2497, 50, 3333, 999

16:58 | melo brothers in teh lead 1/2 way

16:56 | mark1 second round: 2497, 74

16:56 | mark1 second round: 2497, 74

16:55 | bra 5

16:55 | 999, por 5, aus 120 hup sean…

16:54 | mark 2: 74, 2497, 50, 3333

16:53 | missed 74 in 2nd place…

16:52 | mark 1: 2497, 50, 999

16:50 | nobody identified…

16:50 | nobody came back….

16:50 | individual recall

16:47 | 3 minutes to go

16:40 | 10 minute sto start race #8

16:11 | small correction: results after 7 races 1. bra 50 – 7 pts 2. bra 999 – 10 pts 3. bra 3333 – 12 pts

4. POR 5 – 16 pts

5. bra 2497 – 17 pts

6. bra 74 – 22 pts

7. bra 5 – 31 pts

8. bra 54 – 45 pts

9. aus 120 – 51 pts

10. bra 96 – 52 pts

16:11 | small correction: results after 7 races 1. bra 50 – 7 pts 2. bra 999 – 10 pts 3. bra 3333 – 12 pts

4. POR 5 – 16 pts

5. bra 2497 – 17 pts

6. bra 74 – 22 pts

7. bra 5 – 31 pts

8. bra 54 – 45 pts

9. aus 120 – 51 pts

10. bra 96 – 52 pts

16:07 | results after 7 races

1. bra 50 – 7 pts

2. bra 999 – 13 pts

3. bra 3333 – 13 pts

16:07 | race 4 of today starts at 15h45

16:05 | 50, 999, 2497 por 5, bra 3333, bra 74, 5, 54

16:04 | 2nd discard kiks in ow

16:04 | 2nd discard kiks in ow

16:04 | last time at mark 1 Bra 999 oversailed the mark and bra 50 overtook him and finished first after 14 min and 55 seconds….

16:03 | at the start bra 50 tripped over the anchorline of the startboat and started dead last..

16:03 | Bra 50 won but what a race…

16:02 | race #3 of today has finished meanwhile

16:02 | internet is on again…

14:33 | next race at 14.30 = in 57 minutes

14:32 | 74, bra 5,……

14:31 | 999, por 5, 2497

14:31 | finish: 3333, 50

14:29 | sprint: 3333, 50

14:30 | mark1: 3333, 50,

14:27 | mar 2 second time: 3333, 50,

14:26 | por 5, 999, 2497,

14:26 | mark 2 second round: 3333, 50

14:23 | mark 2: 3333, 50, por 5, 2497,999 and Den 13

14:23 | the course is a lot shorter..

14:22 | 999, 74 and Den 13

14:22 | 3333, 2497, 50, por 5 at mark 1

14:21 | by the way: bra 3333 RAF race #5

14:20 | Paolo and Kurosh on the inside , the rest on the outside

14:20 | a lot more people started good this time

14:20 | clear start

14:19 | last minute

14:15 | the course has ben shortened a lot..wind picked up a bit 11-12 knots now

14:15 | wilhelm broke the bottom batten but a fast repair put him back on the water just in time

14:15 | startprocedure race #2 is on

14:13 | startplaning stop complaning

14:12 | places with no wind…..blame the windgods and look for wind not for windholes..

14:12 | course to long…mea cculpa….

14:11 | finish was less than 0.5 m difference between POR 5 and bRA 50….

13:36 | a lot of nice stories on the beach……

13:35 | next start 13h15

13:34 | bra 5, bra 2497

13:35 | 4th bra 74

13:33 | 3rd bra 999

13:32 | por 5 stays 5 m in front of him…

13:31 | BRA 50 gibes earlier then POR 5 but..

13:29 | bra 3333 sails back in

13:28 | por 5 towards the finish..long race

13:27 | top of the fleet: POR 5, BRA 50, BRA 9999, BRA 74 and BRA 5

13:26 | he come sto the finih but misses one round !!

13:25 | Bra 3333 is coming close to the harbour wall looking for wind

13:24 | bra 50 still in 2nd

13:23 | por 5 with bigger lead at second rounding downwind mark. one more upwind and then to the finish

13:21 | 999 overtook 3333 in teh downwind, paolo was standing in a wind lock

bra 5 is closing in

13:18 | mark 1 round 2: Por 5, BRA 50, 3333

13:17 | bra 5 and bra 2497 behind 74

13:16 | por 5 extending the leqad on the upwind

13:14 | 999, 74

13:13 | Mark 2 = downwind: por 5, 3333, 50

13:13 | top 3 fighting on teh downwind..

13:12 | some surfers did not make the cut off tim efor starting that is (only) 2 minutes here…

13:11 | 999 and 74

13:01 | oeps Por 5 just in front of 50

13:10 | Mark 1: 3333, 50, Por 5

13:09 | gabriel passes just in front of Por 5

13:09 | 3333 passes just in front of gabriel

13:08 |

13:07 | por 5 and bra 3333 on the inside, the rest on the outside

13:06 | 10-12 knots, 1/2 of the flleet is having trouble sto get of the startline. I presume Brasilians are mainly trained and geared for 15+ conditions….

13:05 | clear start

13:04 | paolo had to duchk all those on starboard

13:03 | Paolo and Willem at the pin

13:02 | procedure has started but internet is not reliable (understatement…)

12:49 | light winds is normally good for Wilhelm, Joao and the other light weights. Paolo needs normally a bit more wind and Biel can do both…..exciting !!

12:47 | surfers are getting out 1 knots average 95-100 degrees winddirection

12:30 | AP down on the beach, 30 minutes to go

12:13 | some more brazilian joined the championship since it is weekend now

12:13 | wind still from 95 degrees 8-10 knots

11:14 | skippersmeeting done: new couses posted on ONB and www.windsurfbrasil.com, starts at 12.00, 13,15, 14.30 and 15.45

10:44 | wind is light 8-10 knots and very onshore 90 degrees…first time we see that in Fortaleza

10:43 | sun is shining wind is building forecast is good

4 race stoday 3 tomorrow will mean 2 discards after today and 3 after tomorrow.

10:43 | we are getting tready for a skippersmeeting at 11.00 hours and a first start at 12.00.

Now it is here 9:43

10:42 | bom dia, good morning