…unfortunately the 2010 Allegro Cup will not now go ahead as planned. Piotr Jankowiak has been working hard to secure the event, but, today he had to concede that the event could not now go on. These are difficult economic times and this decision comes as no surprise. We are extremely fortunate, and grateful, for the support given in the past by the sponsor – ALLEGRO.

This news follows confirmation that Piotr Hlavaty, SKZ Club Sopot, was not able to secure sponsors for a 2010 Sopot GP.

They (the Piotr’s) agreed that Sopot should host the 2010 POL Championship over 5>7th Aug. They will do all they can to ensure a welcoming and memorable event – open to all, and any, fw racers.

These two Piotr’s have committed a lot of time on behalf of the class – they deserve our thanks for past events and support for future efforts.

Ceri Williams
