The first day was the day of registrations and the two first races of the event.

The day start’s with sun and without any wind, everyone were happy with the conditions of sun and finally some hot weather in the Iberian peninsula, finally the rain stops and the winter go away.

The skipper meeting was at 14h00, and the possible first race was at 15h00. At the 15h00 the wind didn’t come and everyone was waiting in the beach catching some sun. At 15h30 finally the wind came, NW wind, with 14 knots constant and gusts of 17 knots.

Was made to races back to back, with always the same wind, the big problem was that the wind was to shifty, always changing from W to NW. In the first race Fernando Martinez won the race and the second race was won by Pablo Ania.

Tomorrow the Skippers Meeting is at 11h00, and the possible race will be at 12h00. The wind forecast is the same of today, more NW wind 16 knots.

See you tomorrow for the report of the day.


Results after 2 races