The Governor of Mendoza joined the Race Officer, Antonio Lamadrid, on the starting boat for the last race of the 2010 Worlds on Lake Potrerillos. He was then treated to a thrilling, and fitting, finale to this years championship. The wind built throughout the race, and once again delivered a challenging spectacle. Despite a fall Ross Williams (GBR83) had the bit between this teeth and his second place, on the heels of Casper Bouman (NED52), ensured he shared the podium with new world champion Antoine Albeau (FRA192) and runner up Paulo Dos Reis (BRA3333).

Marta Hlavaty POL(111) rounded off her championship with another convincing win .

Fifteen races, in a wonderful location, with a fantastic, enthusatic and motivated organisational team, will ensure the 2010 Championship lingers long in the memory of all involved.


1. Antoine Albeau, France

2. Paulo Dos Reis, Brasil

3. Ross Williams, UK

4. Casper Bouman, Netherlands

5. Pawel Hlavaty, Poland


1. Marta Hlavaty, Poland

2. Morane Demont, France

3. Farah Hall, USA

4. Femke Van Der Valk, Neterlands

5. Carolina Butrich, Peru.