After a nervous wait wondering if the predicted NE sea breeze would ever eventuate, we were rewarded with the one of the fastest developing sea breeze I can remember.

The standard rigging frenzy commenced, with some delusional sailors totally misreading the strength i.e. rigging 12meter sails, we were on the water for the 1st race in what was going to be challenging days sailing. Brian Lancy (Water RO) set a simple double windward leeward course with a finishing mark just of the beach. This allowied for great views for the peanut gallery but also a fantastic opportunity for the racers to finish and get some rest or change rigs in between races.

Race 1. Sean O’Brien AUS-120, Sam Parker AUS-3 and Brett Morris AUS-8 battled the whole race only meters apart with Sam (who was christening a Starboard LWR) taking the first victory after Sean had to double tack the top mark. John Bear AUS-135 drew first blood in the FE+, and Allison Shreeve AUS-911 was 1st woman and 5th home in the open (very impressive).

Race 2. With the wind now up around 20-22knot, there were plenty of sail changes and chicken straps miraculously appearing. Sean made no mistakes this time to take victory from Sam, with Mike Nelson AUS-12 just behind. Chris Ting AUS-5 had some serious pace in 4th, (could be something to do with his new *board HWR and Secret VMG Blade?) Barry Fawkes AUS-2111 won the FE+.

A break for lunch was called so that the a few rescues could be made, including a futile attempt to recover Sean Dayhew’s new 10.7m sail, which is now a permanent feature of the bottom of Botany Bay.

Race 3 the wind was now reading 28knots with a nasty short steep chop, probably something to do with wind against the tide? Sean was now firmly in control, but some of the others were starting to get to grips with the conditions ieRemiDunoyer FRA-73 on a new Exocet Warp, and Steve Walsh AUS-55 in 5th and 6th respectively. Tim Ford AUS-71 won his first ever race in the FE+ making it 3 different winners in 3 races.

Race 4 We started in full on conditions, but ironically it turned out to be the lightest race of the day, with the wind moderating to what now seemed like a gentle breeze of 18-20knots. Brett and Sean adjusted to the lighter environment the quickest opening up a huge lead at the 1st mark, with Sean showing some great speed and skill to overtake Brett at the top mark and claim another victory.

Racing called for the day, which I think was a blessing for most, as the energy levels and muscle fatigue was starting to become a factor.


The forecast of a 10-15knot SE wind was already achieved at 10am, so the general feeling was that we were in for another days of building breezes.

After getting on the water it became evident that although the wind was very consistent, it was osculating and appeared to be bending with the channel on the right hand side of the course.

Brian (RO) set a similar course except you were required to gibe around the finish mark. Again he managed to set a perfect course so the final short reach was not too tight and still allow us to finish 20m of the beach so we could get the maximum amount rest and change sail time if required. Target time was 14-15 mins for the winners.

Unfortunately for Brett, race 5 was a general recall, but not before the fleet had finished the 1st lap…Unlucky.

Race 5 proper got away with Sean and Sam continuing on from where they left off. The real point of interest was Mitch Stepensen AUS-195 (Youth) have this best race every, coming home in 6th, just behind Steve Walsh in 5th.

Race 6 Sam, Brett and Steve Floyd AUS-222 got the 3 best starts on Port, hit the starboard lay line and were rewarded with big leads over the rest of the fleet, and that is how they finished, with Murray Towndrow AUS-720 and Rick Murray AUS-4 sailing really well to lead the rest of the fleet home. Jessica Crisp AUS-15 finally broke Allison winning streak with an 8th place in the open.

Race 7 This race will be remembered for Byron McIlveen AUS-747 nailing 3rd place from the every improving Murray. In the FE+, Barry was starting to really get into the swing of winning races 4,5 and 6, but John Bear finally broke this run winning #7.

Race 8 After 2 days of solid racing and all of the positions established this race was almost not necessary, but it was raced and dominated by the by all the usual suspects.

The maximum of 8 races in perfectmedium to high wind conditions combined with warm air and water has made the 2010 FW States one to be remembered.


Open Fleet:
Sean O’Brien AUS-120 dominated the event and completely deserved his NSW State title. Sam Parker’s AUS-3 consistency and Brett Morris’s AUS-8 ability to stay within striking awarded them the minor placing.

FE+: Barry Fawkes AUS-2111 proved that his son Sam is not the only champ in the family, with a great victory in the every growing development fleet.

Youth: Mitch Stephensen AUS-195 from QLD is the story of the event, winning the youthswith a 6th in one race, only just behind the guns. He beat out Ben Morrell AUS-88 who is back in the game after a being side tracked with small distractions, like exams? I may be wrong, but Ben was spotted on a 10.7m sail in 20knots at one stage and was out training on his BIC Techno after racing. Impressive stuff.

Woman: Allison Shreeve AUS-911proved her class yet again by competing toe to toe in the open division, but must have been happy to have another world class female competitor in Jessica Crisp AUS-15 to compete against. This was Jessica’s first FW event, which she elected to compete in, even though she was in-between RSX events“Sail Sydney and Sail Melbourne” (that is 10days of racing in the last 13 days – OUCH).

Grand Masters: Rick Murray AUS-4, Wayne Bowness AUS-98, TiborFerenczy AUS-1

A huge thanks to Brian Lancy (Water RO), Glen Morral (Shore RO), T2 Tam Ting (Photos), John Hurley (Organisation), for their continuing support and all the volunteers who helped launch boats,do rescues etc.

With a relatively lengthy break until Heat 5, which is the warm up event for the Oceanic’s/Nationals at Hawks Nest (30Jan-06Feb2010)

Remember 1 week in beautiful, family friendly Hawks Nest will get you 2 amazing events plus a fantastic holiday.

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