Last week we had the Formula Experience (FE) South Americans in Maragogi, Formula windsurfing was also invited and we had close to 20 sailors for the FW. We had an awesome event in the beautiful beach of Maragogi, the event organizer, Marcelo Lacerda and his wife, together with Wagner Rossi and his wife, put up a great show.

We manage to have 9 races in total in winds raging from 8 to 16 knots.

Gabriel Browne had a incredible regatta winning 7 races and taking the title, I took the other two bullets and finished in second, third was Paulo dos Reis followed by Ricado Winick (Bimba) RS-X specialist.

Alberto Menegatti (Macarroni), decided just to train and not race, he was going really fast and did some of the races to check his speed, however he would not finish the race and made sure to keep away and not bother anyone on the course, which was really cool.


1. Gabriel Browne (maui sails, Starboard)

2. Wilhelm Schurmann ( Neilpryde, Starboard)

3. Paulo dos Reis (North, Team Brazil, BL3)

The next day after the event, we all headed to Serrambi where we had the Brazilian FW Nationals.

Homero Lacerda (brother of Marcelo Lacerda) organized a great event as well and the location was incredible, we all stayed at the Serrambi Resort and just a few steps from our rooms we had the beach and competition.

On Thursday, we had a long distance race around a small island a few kilometers away, which served as a warm up for the event that would start on Friday.

I had a good fight with Gabriel Browne rounding the island just a few meters apart, on the leeward side of the island I got stuck on a no wind spot and Gabriel manage to keep planning, Menegatti (Macarroni) came planning and pumping and also overtook me, when I manage to get going, Paulo dos Reis was just a few meters behind. From the Island to the finish, it was a reach all the way, making our legs fell like we had just run a marathon. Menegas manage to overtake Gabriel just close to the finish line to finish first, Gabriel second, I finished third with Paulo dos Reis in fourth and Bimba in fifth.


We had two races in the morning with very light winds ranging from 7 to 8 knots.

Close to 40 competitor in total all headed out with their largest sails.

On the first race, Menegas was winning by a good lead, but his sail slipped and fell in the water, with this, Bimba showed that as a world champion in RS-X, he has what it takes in the formula as well and controlled the race until the end to finish first. Gabriel Browne had a good come back and finished second, I came in third and Paulo dos Reis in fourth.

On the second race, Gabriel rounded the top mark in first, then came Menegas, Myself, Paulao and Bimba. The top 3 overlayd the downwind mark by a lot, with this Paulo dos Reis took the lead and won the race, in second came Bimba with a good come back followed by Schurmann and Gabriel fourth.

After a long brake, we went back to the water for 2 more races with winds around 9-12 knots.

I had a good start and manage to lead the race from start to finish, Paulo dos Reis came in second, Bimba third, Gabriel Browne in fourth and Menegas who is going very well but has been having some bad shifts in fifth.

The fourth and last race, Paulo started close to the boat, and lead the Race from start to finish, close behind however, the battle for second was super close as the top 5 guys rounded all close together on the last upwind. Gabriel crossed the line in second, I followed in third and Victor Melo in fourth.

Day 2

We started the first race in very light winds, only about 6 sailors manage to plane, the wind also was pretty shifty.

Paulao rounded in first at the upwind, followed by Victor Melo, who started 3 minutes late and some how found the wind channel all the way to the upwind mark. In third came Bimba, then Gabriel and Marcelo Lacerda, who had a great race. On the downwind, Paulao got stuck in a lull and Bimba overtook the lead, Paulo rounded the bottom mark in second and me in third. On the last upwind, the wind got super light and we struggled to keep planning on some areas of the course. Bimba rounded in first and went all the way to the finish to take the lead. Paulo finished second followed by Victor Melo who had a good come back and was just a board’s length away.

After this race we were sent to the beach and that was it for the day, no more wind.

Day 3

No wind on the last day which was unfortunate, however, no one was complaining too much, as we spent the day relaxing in the awesome resort.

So the final result was:


1. Paulo dos Reis (North, Team Brazil, BL3)

2. Ricardo Winick ‘Bimba’ (Team Brazil, Gol)

3. Wilhelm Schurmann (Starboard, Neilpryde

4. Gabriel Browne (Maui Sails, Starboard)

5. Victor Melo (Maui sail, Starboard)


1. Matias Pinheiros


1. Elizeu Vieira

2, Marcelo Lacerda

3. Ricardo Conde

Long Distance:

1. Alberto Menegatti (Macarrones) (Simmer Sails, Starboard)

2. Gabriel Browne (Maui sails, Starboard)

3. Wilhelm Schurmann (Neilpryde, Starboard)

Sarah Hebert (Starboard) won the women and actually was ahead of many of the men since we all raced together.

Would like send a special thanks to; all the Race crew, Press crew, hotel staff, and last but not least, Marcelo Lacerda and his wife, Wagner and his wife, and Homero Lacerda for putting up these two spectacular events that will sure be remembered.

Next weekend we have a small break from formula for the Slalom Nationals in Camucim, which is about 5 hours north of Fortaleza, then its back to Fortaleza to get ready for the final “Brasil Wind” FW GP from the 25th to the 30th.


Best regards,

Wilhelm Schurmann


Starboard, Neilpryde.

Wilhelm Schurmann