Day 2 of the 2009 Sao Paulo Formula Windsurfing Grand Prix began with a mega thunderstorm, lashings of rain, followed by a strong easterly wind gusting 30>35 knots!

By the time the skippers meeting took place the wind had dropped to almost nothing – the calm after the storm. After a short delay the wind appeared to be increasing again from the east and the sailors were called out to the starting area – north of the launching beach.

It did not look promising – and the race officer sent the fleet back to the beach. Almost immeadiatelty sailors were planing back to the beach – but on a wind coming from the south.!

The wind continued to build and it stayed with us – a sunny and windy afternoon. The course was reset and this time it was a reach out to the start. The course was parrallel to the beach, making easy viewing – and 4 good races were completed in near perfect conditions.

With two bullets and a second place each Alberto Menegatti (ITA4 ) and Ross Williams (GBR83) tied on 4 points after 4 races and one discard – but Ross emerged on top with the better discarded race.

They cannot afford to be complacent – more good racing days are forecast and a very strong fleet of sailors is snapping at their heels. Paulo,Gonzalo, Jesper , Biel, Willhelm … and others are not far off the pace and are all capable of winning races.

Wind Brasil 2009 – a partnership between Brasilian Windsurfing Association and Arrow Marketing – a winning formula