13:22 | hi from sao paulo. I arrived earlier this morning, but i am still at the airport as i waited for Gonzalo to arrive from Buenos Aries. Not so bad really – considering the traumatic events leading up to my flight from London Heathrow last night. I got a lift to the airport as i was carrying Ross kit to SP.

After 15 km on the motorway – the van broke down. 3 hours later, & £250 poorer, we arrived at the airport. Somehow the van got to departures before breaking down for 2nd time – some new problem ! While i joined the queue at Check In, my driver was being interrogated by the police – armed anti terrorist officers arrived to deal with a suspicious van parked illegally! Before a thorough search and check over my vehicle including looking for other offences ( tyres etc ) could occur – another , bigger van distracted their attention. A minibus carrying 17 asian travellers made the same mistake as us in coming up to the next level to disembark; and got stuck in the one way traffic where the only way out was with a police escort.

The vehicle recovery service towed my unlucky driver all the way home (which included a ferry crossing) some 6 hours later he was in bed at 03.00.

I barely fared much better – having never flown from T4 before – little was i prepared for the particular difficulties of getting fw kit through customs and securerity here.

I was last to board the plane – as i took my seat i saw the equipment being carried across the tarmac to the plane . 5 minutes later we were taxi-ing to the runway.

Great fun this international travel – full marks to TAM – Brasilian Airways – staff for making sure the kit was on the plane . It would not have happened that way in some countries !