16:23 | Tonight there will be a prize giving at the beach for the Spanish Championships ; followed by an opening ceremony for the Worlds.

16:22 | at the finish – ESP71 ; ESP141, ESP16 . This race confirms Fernando Martinez del Cerro and Spanish Champion 2009

16:18 |

16:18 | the first boards are now on the last leg- a long downwind leg to the finish line which is just off the beach and in front of the spectators

16:10 | Pablo Ania has moved up the fleet into 3rd position. he needs a good race to stay in the hunt

16:08 | Top4 after one round – ESP71, ESP141, ESP36, ESP16

16:03 | bad news for POR5 he was OCS and did not return – so leading this race is ESP71

16:02 | the 3rd race of the day has started and the wind has increased further to 18 knots

15:47 | 80 competitors registered so far today. When we arrived at the beach the sea was like glass – but this afternoon we have seen two more races in the Spanish Championship. In the first race the wind was light but enough – and ESP71 won a close race between the top 4 racers. However many sailors even in the top crossed the finish line from the wrong direction!

No mistakes in the second race won by POR ahead of ESP71 in winds of 15 knots. Miguel is leading the overall ranking but Fernando is in pole position to be spanish champion.