Baltic’s most important formula windsurf competition’s Neilpryde Baltic Cup 2009 finals will be held from August 28th to 30th in Estonia. The competition will kick off on Friday, August 28th. All participants are welcomed to join the training already on Thursday afternoon.

Over the summer there have been three Neilpryde Baltic Cup competitions in series. First in Lithuania, then in Latvia, after that in Finland and now the finals will take place in Estonia this weekend. After the three stages the leader of the race is 2009 Masters World Champion Martin Ervin (EST-202) who has has won all three previous races. Until now there has been just one Estonian – Erno Kaasik (EST-2) –who has won this competition. He has been victorious for three times. All the other times the title has been given to Latvians. Looks like the the 2009 title will stay in Estonia. The second place is held by Toomas Mölder (EST-44) and third place by Johannes Ahun (EST-99). As after the finals there will be one discard, the last year’s champion, Latvian Janis Preiss (LAT-23) who is holding 3rd place in Formula Windsurfing world ranking, will probably rise from the 9th place to fight for a medal.

Within this competition there will also be a local rankings for Estonian and Finnish 2009 Formula Champions and best Neilpryde RS:X and Techno 293 competitors.

As always there will be an aftersurf at the beach and tour to best nightclub.

Daily news, pictures and results will be uploaded to official event website: and also to

For more information: or +372 56 500201 from organizers

Media requests: +372 50 23 203

Event location: Hawaii Windsurfing Club, Pirita Beach, Tallinn, Estonia