Allison Shreeve is joining forces with other top coastal athletes like Guy Leech, Harley Ingleby and Valerie Taylor to raise awareness and to support the efforts of 60,000 volunteers around Australia who protect our coastlines and waterways. The “Life on the Edge” campaign, an initiative of Coast Care Australia, will begin in the first week of December and continue throughout the whole summer.

Australians are being challenged to live “Life on the Edge” by collectively travelling the entire length of Australia’s coastline – a whopping 36,000 kilometres, by either completing 100km of any non-motorised travel, or 10 hours on the water, whilst helping raise one million dollars in support of Coast Care projects nationwide.

Allison’s contribution to the “Life on the Edge” campaign will be to link Tasmania to mainland Australia by windsurfing across Bass Strait. The 240km of treacherous waters is no small feat but Allison has her sights set on a new sailing record across the Strait while at the same time raising money for a good cause. “As someone who competes in windsurfing regattas all over the world, I have a real appreciation for Australia’s magnificent coastal areas and waterways that should be valued and must be conserved. Being on the water, in the water, or just enjoying the beautiful views, is such a big part of the Aussie way of life. How can we not all feel some responsibility for its preservation?”

Allison is looking for sponsors to support her efforts to cross Bass Strait, so you’re invited to ‘get on board’ with her by emailing This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your pledge, or by making a transfer via Paypal website, then click “Send money” to the following email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . At least 20% of the proceeds for the Bass Strait crossing will go directly to Coastcare.

If you don’t have Paypal you can do a direct deposit into the following account:

Account Name: Allison Shreeve

BSB: 062181, Account Number: 10488360

You can also go to Allison’s page at the “Life on the Edge” website, and make a donation to support Coastcare projects. You can follow Allison’s progress as she attempts to be the only female to windsurf across Bass Strait, and in record time!

Sponsoring Allison is just one way you can be involved, or you can also participate by registering yourself, or your group, at with your own challenge, whether it’s running, cycling, kayaking, skateboarding, or whatever creative way you want to chalk up 100km or 10hrs. So this summer, if you’re going to be enjoying our great outdoors and waterways, why not do so with this initiative in mind, and with a little extra effort and a whole lot of fun, you can be supporting a wonderful cause that will have long term benefits for us all.

SOURCE: Allison Shreeve