Dear Windsurfing Committee, Events Committee, MNA, Council member….

You have probably received, or seen, personal letters from my colleagues on the Formula One Design (FOD) Steering Committee- Bruno de Wannemaeker, Remi Vila, Allison Shreeve and Svein Rasmussen. Whilst i endorse everything they have said, and the details of the proposal, i think it appropriate to explain why i support this “evolution of olympic windsurfing”.

Over 10 years ago, July 1998, the Chairman of the Windsurfing Committee submitted a report ( 2004 Windsurfing Equipment and Format) with 12 proposals, including:

– Modern and attractive for both the participant and the media.

– The format/equipment should be capable of being used in wind range of 6>35 knots.

– The format/equipment should reduce the need to pump.

And so – the search began!

Windsurfing stepped forward to meet the challenge.

Representatives from ISAF, Classes, Industry, and PWA(Professional Windsurfers Association) met in Zurich. It was resolved that –“the new IWA will endorse a change of the Olympic Format and Equipment according to Formula Windsurfing Class Rules…”

Recorder of the Minutes, Dieter Neupert( ISAF Constitution Committee)

It would be fair to say that this decision polarised opinion, and perhaps Bruce Kendall (august 2000) summed it up:

“I can appreciate the push by some for change to Formula- its fast, fun, and growing in popularity….Perhaps in time a one design formula style class will become the next olympic contender.”

At the November 2000 Conference the committees voted:

Events Committee voted 10 to 9 in favour of MOD.

Sailing Committee (SC) delayed its decision – more information was required. Cliff Norbury (SC Chairman) stated that the Windsurfing Committee were biased due to their composition, there was no technical reason why Formula could not be approved as Olympic equipment..

Council voted 22 to 15 in favour of MOD men; and 24 to 13 MOD women.

The Formula advocates were philosophical in response, best summed up by Peter England (Formula Class Chairman)-

“..we have time to refine the bid and the equipment will have stabiliosed from its current period of rapid development.”

The Windsurfing Committee voted 7 to 2 for MOD.

Clearly it was a controversial decision. The selection of MOD had repercusions right up to the Athens Olympics!

Here are some comments made at the time:

“It is about ensuring windsurfing remains Olympic beyond 2004 and 2008. And a board that performs well in a large variety of conditions..and suits as large variety of physiques as possible. If it is also reasonably priced (preferably one sail) and most important –of a One Design principle( everyone around the world has access to the same equipment) large numbers of participants are almost guaranteed”.

Rene Appel, HKG Coach. November 2001

“The vote between MOD and FW last November was very close .My guess is that if the vote was again today, with people having had more time to be better informed, FW would win.”

Cliff Norbury. November 2001

“How faithfully does Olympic Windsurfing reflect the real sport, as practiced by the vast majority of windsurfers –the ‘shortboarders’? ….it must be sailed on ‘funboards’ with planing hulls and no daggerboard.”

Windsurfing Canada. December 2001

There was even a big chance that MOD would be dumped by ISAF – Formula stood waiting in the wings.

“6 one design events (equipment supplied) – Men’s & Women’s board –Formula.”

“I want a restricted Formula Board for 2004. Yes 2004!”

Paul Henderson,Making Waves 88. March 2002

Rory Ramsen was of the opinion that “the IWA should speak as one voice on the issue of selection of windsurfing equipment for Olympics” We agreed then and, in fact, maintain that policy now.

In April 2002 the IWA published Route Map to the Selection of the 2008 Olympic Equipment.

” Paul Henderson has already stated that he believes that the class should be Formula Windsurfing, but the equipment should be One Design.”

IWA commissioned a survey by Aristeia, and in March 2003 published an Executive Summary, including:

  • ISAF should select new windsurfing equipment for the 2008 Olympic regatta. This new equipment should have wider appeal, and mirror more closely the practice of the general windsurfing public.
  • The new equipment must be different from the existing one, by being either

    o An evolution of the current Olympic equipment that keeps the centre board principle, or

    o Something like the existing Formula format

Paul Henderson (June 2003) expresed frustration at the progress being made:

” ..I was a strong supporter of the Formula concept when it was presented first in Lisbon several years ago and wanted to have it for Athens 2004. My position has been very clear ..either do something dramatic to revitalize windsurfing or it will lose Olympic status.!”

ISAF joined the fray:

“ISAF wish to encourage all …to think ‘outside the box!, with the possibility that a new design could also lead to a new and improved format; that could include slalom and /or marathon racing..”

Making Waves 162. August 2003

A 2 part Trial was conducted -The Evaluation Panel Report, published October 2004, made recommendations. Many were not implemented. However, a new board, a prototype “hybrid” from Neil Pryde, was adopted.

It took a further 2 years to establish the class. Problems still exist – RSX has failed to live up to expectation. I would not want to apportion blame anywhere – least of all, to the Neil Pryde organisation- but that is the reality.

All the reasons why RSX is not the best choice for 2012 have been explored,explained and catalogued elsewhere in this debate. You can find all the info you need here:

We have listened to all the arguments put forward for change; and after 10 years of development, testing and preparation have offered the sport, and ISAF, what they want.

Certainly the sailors, and the sport, deserve better.

I sign off with these words ringing in my ears from Paul Henderson, ( incidentally, not a person with whom i enjoyed a particularly amicable relationship ! ) –

“Windsurfing has imploded because it is no longer fun. Unlimited pumping has destroyed that”.

And, from our current President Goran Petersson, January 2007:

IOC influence- “It has changed a lot over the last 10 years…..all sports have to concentrate on the things the IOC want…specifically now the media issue is the most important one of all. Everything comes down to media which, in turn, comes down to money. We have to be realistic about that.”

Olympic sailing must be made as media-friendly as possible. The only other option is for sailing not to be part of the Olympics. Olympic effect- to develop sailing in countries that are not wealthy ..then you must be able to say ‘olympic’.

I have not always supported Formula for Olympics – the time was not right, it is now ! VOTE – FOD for 2012

very best regards,

Ceri Williams. IFCW Chairman.

FOD Steering Committee:

Bruno de Wannemaeker – IFCA & IWA(2008) President

Remi Vila – FE President

Allison Shreeve – Olympic racer

Svein Rasmussen – CEO Starboard